- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re: Trotskyism & Sectarianism

Posted by: Glenn Brightwell ( USA ) on February 06, 1997 at 18:12:08:

In Reply to: Re: Trotskyism & Sectarianism posted by Andy Gianniotis on January 26, 1997 at 20:21:22:

> > Workers of all countries must unite, denouncing Leninist ideals of Menshevik and Kulak holocaust, and
> > co-operate in searching for a moral alternative to capitalism.

> Excuse me, can we leave the in-left fighting till after socialism
> has been won. Don't be an intellectual snob like every other Trotskyist
> I know (which is why there have been so many splits from the Fourth
> International), and unite with Leninists.

I would have to agree, the Socialist in-fighting is absurd. What is the most important word in the
Socialist vocabulary? SOLIDARITY. However to deem Trotskyists snobs is equally absurd. The Soviet
Union was flawed and anyone that knows anything about Trotsky's or Lenin's views would agree. So why
would one say that their views conflict? Lenin and Trotsky were mostly in agreement. It just so
happens that Trotsky was a far better writer and so most people who read about Socialism read Trotsky.
Would Trotsky and Lenin be happy with the political in-fighting that occurs between the many Socialist
organizations world-wide? I don't thnk so. All those groups out there that are content to denounce
other Communist organizations should be ashamed. Try attacking the real enemy, the Capitalist system
that is laughing its butt off as it watches all of the socialist squabbling. You do the memories of
Trotsky and Lenin a huge disservice by being so sectarian. GROW UP! Am I the only Socialist that
remembers the most famous words of the Comunist Manifesto? WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!

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