: > Props out to Militant Labour in the UK and
: > Labor Militant in the USA. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!!!: If you think that Militant Labour can achieve anything, then you are as
: naive as the idiot who put the original anti communist message up. look at the role militant played in attempting to sabotage the anti poll tax movement in Britain.
You're confusing me. I'm reading a book right now called A Time To Rage by a man named Tommy Sheridan. The same Tommy Sheridan who was elected to a city council spot while in jail. The same Tommy Sheridan who was one of the driving forces behind the anti-poll tax campaign. The Tommy Sheridan who when this book was written was an active member of Scottish Militant Labour. If Militant Labour has changed since then write me back, but as far as I know they seem to have hit the nail right on the head. They backed the Anti-Poll tax campaign. When the Labour Party failed to successfully organize an effective resistance it was SML that got the job done.