: : Nothing prohibits people from inventing in socialism, theres just no reason for them to.: Except maybe to make life better for people. Please don't spend endless bandwith trying to persuade me that technology isn't invented to make life better but "merely" to compete in a capitalist arena. I'll let someone else respond to the next ideological boast; I'm unconvinced that competition is the "cause" of all major inventions, simply because there's plenty of other reasons to invent things. Look at the zillions of Web pages that have been put up (McSpotlight, for instance) without the least thought of profit.
Sorry to stop you there, but I find that in a non-capitalist world, the currency is "control" and "power". Since we are capatilists and cannot comprehend the utopia's you envision, you and your compatriots must show us the way by removing capital(ism) from the equation and instructing us on how to live (instead of making our own decisions as we do now). Watch the movie THX 1138, a utopia where there is no money at all... but one of the characters behaves as all humans do, he learns how to make the system (any system is susceptible) work more equal for him; he gets to assign his own schedules and living spaces, etc, etc... coin of his realm. So your "profit" is to take the choices we have in capitalism away from us and we are only left with the choices you find acceptable. You hide the fact that you know that money is analoguos to power. Since you cannot get enough money (this requires working for it), you will settle for power (this requires fooling enough people to give it to you).
: It's meaningless to speculate what might be, if human industrial activity over the last two centuries had not been immersed in capitalism. It's meaningless for the same reason it would be meaningless to speculate what would have happened if the human race had arisen on Mars instead of Earth, or with five genders instead of two. The fact is, it was, and it's impossible to detach those inventions, as they were invented then, from capitalist culture, simply because economic culture immerses all culture as a general condition of existence. This doesn't mean that we have to uphold capitalism as the true and sole inventor of industrial society, and claim that nothing else would produce invention. And it certainly doesn't uphold the profit motive as the only motive capable of moving people to invent things.
: Have fun, and I hope someone is paying you well to post to this Forum, maybe you'll produce good arguments with decent spelling as a result.
I find it unfair to needle someone on use of the medium instead of the message that is being carried by it. When composing on-line and in a possible fervor, it is easy to make spelling mistakes. You complain about spelling while your punctuation is faulty! So don't throw stones... (and remarking on my spelling or grammar only points out the lengths to which you will go when you think your arguments are thin).