: :Inciting revolution will just set the process back: excuse me? Excuse me? Clearly this was mis-spoken. Since when did revolutions set back any cause? Whether capitalism in the fast food industry or America's fight for freedom from Britian over 200 years ago, revolutions *never* set anything back. We might not like the immediate results, and the cost may be high, but revolutions are necessary, helpful, they propel us forward into the next era. Whoever said revolutions set us back has not studied their history and does not know of the many revolutions going on in our world today. Much to the contrary of that statement, revolutions are the wheels that keep our world moving forward.
Perhaps I digress from the point a bit, but you might want to check out
some of the 'revolutions' in the middle east & Africa and learn what good they did. (Some would more properly be named coups, but this may help you understand)
I like capitalism about as much as a mullah, but find me a system that
works better, with less repression. Our problem here in the west are the politicians, not the food chains.