- McDonald's -

The megaconglomerate that is Mickey's wonderland

Posted by: Sarah-sarah ( Indonesia/Canada ) on August 22, 1997 at 00:25:04:

In Reply to: Re: The way to annoy them. posted by Carl Popovich on November 01, 1996 at 03:43:20:


Down with Ronald and all the McSerfs! Not only is McDonalds exlploiting teenage labour forces with ultra-minimum wages and degrading little hats, they are forcibly applying this nasty slice of American Disneyland culture on the entire world! The megaconglomerate that is Mickey's wonderland has effectively gained creative control of McMarketing and further expanded it's monopoly on children's education. It isn't just about food, and refusing to eat there solves _nothing_. Just think about where that meat comes from. Even if it is cow (we'll assume that so I don't come off as a paranoid conspiracy theorist <:D ), McDonald's isn't about to pay decent money to deserving farmers. Chances are that those are the cows that Brazilian farmers slashed rainforest to raise. Sure, go to McDonalds, or even just _allow_ McDonald's and promote
1. The USA
2. Capitalist pigs!
3. Exploitation
4. Monoculture
5. Disney
I am proud to say I have never worked for McDonald's, or ever even gone there except under duress. I know people who have and do work there and they all found it degrading. Any "restaurant" that promotes all of that deserves to die. I've found that bringing your own food into the restaurant pisses them off. Also, as an idea from my friends on the inside: order a 20 piece McNugget at about 10:30 at night and then change your mind after about 1 and a half minutes and just order 6. Or go through the drive through and order in a quiet voice that cuts in and out and then insist they got your order wrong so they are obligated to give you free food or maybe even toys. Or go in right before they are supposed to close and hang around eating for a couple hours. They aren't allowed to kick you out, at least not in Alberta, so all the employees get overtime and the company loses money, although when you are as big as McDonald's, you're not going to feel it much. Every McDonald's franchise that goes out of business is however a step in the right direction. ;)

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