![Post a Messgae](/file/13784/Image.iso/debate/debate~2/but_me~1.jpg)
![The Debating Room](/file/13784/Image.iso/debate/debate~2/but_dr2.jpg)
![Just a Line](/file/13784/Image.iso/debate/debate~2/line3.jpg)
- Nazis? - Lindsey, USA, January 14 1998
- Mad Cows - george, a.m.s., u.s., December 31 1997
- mediation - george, a.m.s., u.s., December 31 1997
- MCLIBEL - MIke, EST, USA, December 31 1997
- There will Never be a Solution - Flash, Calgary, Canada, December 31 1997
- Professionalism - SG, USA, December 31 1997
- Trademark infringement/1st amendment rights - Don, USA, December 31 1997
- 60 minutes - Noel Pugh, California, USA, December 31 1997
- McDonalds Corporation Global Ethics - Rebecca Littell, USA, December 31 1997
- To Veg or not to Veg.....?? - Lokid, Vandal Media, Canada, December 31 1997
- Good for you.....too ? - Ken Centanni, Bay Area Group, US, December 31 1997
- Mary Christensen Defender of McNazi's (I hope I don't get sued by McD's) - Wayne Sakamoto, US, December 31 1997
- Keep the message out there! - Di in Upstate NY, Clinton Corners, NY, USA, December 31 1997
- Nazzies and veggies - TopGun, none, United States, December 31 1997
- 60 minutes on McSpotlight - Joe SternJust, usa, December 31 1997
- New Website - Aaron, WY., December 31 1997
- An Armed robbery (with McS comment for poster) - Don't want to say, Aren't all maccas in their own world?, December 27 1997
- too many staff/ manager hostility - Claire, Aren't all maccas the same?, December 27 1997
- Is mcspotlight next in court - Dwight Kent, Org?, England, December 23 1997
- Vegatarianism - Jasmine Orr, None, just my thoughts!, U.S.A, December 16 1997
- Beware of "Green" Firms (article) - Dan, December 04 1997
- Charities - John, McDonald's, USA, December 01 1997
- Dear McSpotlight: why the retitle of my post? - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, November 28 1997
- Sweatshops - Miguel Macias, Sweatshops, United States, November 26 1997
- What did McDonalds do wrong? - Aaron , Gillette, Wyoming, USA, November 22 1997
- Charity my ass - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, November 23 1997
- in the cave - Aaron, Gillette Wyoming, USA, November 23 1997
- Green Anarchist and ALF trial: what a bunch of flakes - cappie, November 22 1997
- Vegan Hypocrites and Death Merchants - Rocky, Australia, November 15 1997
- Yeah, me too. - Stuart Gort, USA, November 26 1997
- Cows - Rocky, VegSpotlight, Australia, December 01 1997
- animal rights over human rights? - LT, US, November 11 1997
- Complaint of former worker - Wayne Mai, McAlester,OK. McDonalds, United States, November 08 1997
- Revolution in Germany - Mike C, November 04 1997
- What I think - Joshua, U.S., November 03 1997
- mcspotlight, bury the evil corporation - Candice, USA, November 02 1997
- Small fries, big headaches!!! (newspaper article) - Maksim Bily, E.E. Consultants, Canada, November 01 1997
- Agency alleges McDonald's spuds are underweight !! (newspaper article)! - Maksim Bily, E.E. Consultants, Canada, November 01 1997
- McSpotlite - Miscellaneous, October 30 1997
- Thanx McDonald's :) - RAY A KROCK, October 27 1997
- Take this to heart - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, October 25 1997
- Are we being watched?? - Thelonius Flash, TCF, October 21 1997
- Eating Meat vs. Eating Vegetables - Richard McFarland, Self, USA, October 06 1997
- Food glorious food - Matt Stone, Australia, September 24 1997
- consumption is excessive - Gideon Hallett, n/a, UK, September 25 1997
- i have yet to find - John, KU, US, September 25 1997
- ÆNetiquetteÆ - Zaphod B, Australia, October 09 1997
- Meat-eating may be good for your brain. - Matt Stone, Australia, October 08 1997
- Tree-hugging, anti-nuke, long-haired, liberal college educated vegetarians - Richard McFarland, Self, USA, October 06 1997
- an insult? - Anton, Sweden, November 19 1997
- Stereoyping anyone who disagrees with your opinion - Sal, Aus, October 14 1997
- speaking as a liberal, college-educated, tree-hugging, short-haired, anti-nuke vegetarian - Gideon Hallett, n/a, UK, October 07 1997
- Chocspotlight - Ed Lane, National Ongoing Campaign Against Copyright Knavery (N0 CACK), England, September 19 1997
- Re: Chocspotlight - Ed Lane, National Ongoing Campaign Against Copyright Knavery (NOCACK), UK, October 16 1997
- Choice - Mike, Mike's company, USA, September 16 1997
- I expected better, well, not really. - Ms. anon, usa, September 13 1997
- What kind am I, Siamac? - anon, Im my sourdough-bread scented home.(yes, fresh baked), USA, September 05 1997
- How much suffering has Helen Steele served up? - just observing, usa, August 28 1997
- "at 69 cents, you'll scream" - bame, canada, August 28 1997
- And also - Miika, Australia, October 08 1997
- The REAL TRUTH About Ronald McDonald - Chris Carey, Personality Insights Inc, USA, August 28 1997
- Sproutmurderers - holier than thou, August 25 1997
- Additives in McDonalds? - Sue Kedgley, New Zealand, August 11 1997
- Mad Cow Disease / Alzheimers - Robert Heemstra, U.S.A., July 30 1997
- Valuable Families Decision - Gary Cox, USA, July 17 1997
- the maker of this web page - J.Allen, --------------------------------------------------------, USA, July 14 1997
- Why so hard on McDonalds? - Lots of blame to go round - leroy, canada , July 04 1997
- WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? - Jane Salmon, Individual Supporter, Australia, July 01 1997
- Debating rooms [esp. capitalism and alternatives] - Che, US, June 24 1997
- English Justice - David Turner, Greece, June 20 1997
- Judgment Handed Down - Future of Web Site? - Joe Beranek, Cochise County, Arizona, June 19 1997
- The facts about this site! - The greatest stuff on earth., June 19 1997
- some sense of moral responsibility - travis veg, australia, July 10 1997
- I support free speech - Vanilla Vengeance, USA, July 09 1997
- Too right - Helen, Oz, McIndividual, Ozland, June 27 1997
- The facts about capitalist simpletons! - Ted, Madison, WI, USA, June 24 1997
- so you don't believe in freedom of speech - Colleen, June 22 1997
- accusations but no substance - Steven, UK, June 19 1997
- Sue - Jean Marc Fontaine, none, USA, June 19 1997
- Campaign 55 - A. Friend, usa, June 05 1997
- mcpathetic - amy giordano, uts, australia, May 16 1997
- intrigued - Nigel Derby, UK, June 27 1997
- help !!!1 - jasmine orr, May 15 1997
- Independent Workers Inquiry into BSE/CJD - Socialist Equality Party, Britain, May 13 1997
- Survey-please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997
- Recent changes to McSpotlight site. - Martin Sondergaard., UK, May 02 1997
- Hey, Spotlight - Tom, UK, April 28 1997
- Healthy Fast Food - Ronald Hendrixson, April 16 1997
- beanie baby promotion - Milton, US, April 14 1997
- selfishness - c.w., none, United States, March 13 1997
- NEWS!! A VICTORY FOR LABOR - CANADA - benoist, Canada, March 06 1997
- Happy Birthday McSpotlight! - Gideon Hallett, n/a, UK, February 17 1997
- New improved debating room - Greg Humbret, Canada, February 09 1997
- McDonald's sucks Burger King's better - Kristopher T. Loretz, USA, January 23 1997
- Great site - Jane, UK, January 07 1997
- coverage of closing speeches - Jon Conroy, Australia, December 12 1996
- McDonalds - Gemma and Claire, 1st Year Students , England, December 11 1996
- RE: GIVE ME A BREAK! - Mila, USA, November 01 1996 (1) - Big MAC (YES REALLY!), AUSTRALIA, December 07 1996
- Not Our Problem - The Music Maker, USA, December 01 1996
- Saturation - Paul, Australia, November 26 1996
- An eye opener - Mr Willett, BT, England, November 25 1996
- reject this - alex, November 21 1996
- unsanitary employees at mcmmurray pa store - gary w leis, usa, November 14 1996
- Shell - Martin Gordon, N/A, UK, November 11 1996
- GIVE ME A BREAK! - Mila, USA, November 01 1996
- GIVE ME A BREAK! - Mila, USA, November 01 1996
- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! - Ticked off Tim, USA, October 23 1996
- Fighting for what they believe in - Isolde, Sweden, May 11 1997
- Re: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! - Seamus H, England, December 21 1996
- Re: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! - Paul, Austalia, November 26 1996
- Re: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! - LOB, AUSTRALIA, November 10 1996
- Re: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! - Kristen McKee, University f Michigan, November 01 1996
- Re: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! - Rob, UK, November 01 1996
- What's the alternative to McDonald's? - Mairi, UK, October 21 1996
- Facts on Burger King - Emerson Graduate, Emerson College, USA, October 21 1996
- end corporate dominance - Jim S, Canada, October 13 1996
- Am I in danger of being sued by McD? - SIAMAK, UK, October 02 1996
- Call for Seminar Papers - NG POH LENG, TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC, REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE, September 25 1996
- MCDONALDS - LEVI ROBERTS, September 16 1996
- where has your steam gone?! - Gary Kemp, n/a, n/a, September 08 1996
- Debate! - Roger Sinclair, Westminster School, South Australia, September 02 1996
- Capitalism and Selfishness - Ron, Free mind, Australia, August 20 1996
- Warm fuzzies - E.G., August 10 1996
- Higher Consciousness - B. A. Paramdavaiti, Vrinda, USA, August 06 1996
- Great site, can I help? - MAry Bradwell, UK, August 01 1996
- Idea to use in all the world - Jose Marcos de Lima Lopes, Brazil, July 24 1996
- Idea to the organization use in all the world. - Jose Marcos de Lima Lopes , Brasil, July 21 1996
- Yeah, nice one but.... - Bones, UK, July 03 1996
- Keep up the good work! - Alex Kelly, July 02 1996
- Absolute ignorance and perpetuation on your BSE page - Chris Danek, National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C., July 01 1996
- Your image of well-researched information breaks down - Dave, UK, July 01 1996
- CBC coverage of McSpotlight - Judy Haiven , Canada, June 24 1996
- The McSpotlight sig and Netscape - Gerben Wierda, June 20 1996
- Problems in layout of McSpotlight Homepage - Scott Lingley, June 20 1996
- Only corporation worthy of this tainted spotlight? - Jeffrey D. Hopkins, June 10 1996
- Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - Mary Christensen, June 04 1996
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - Hortense Vasucchi, December 31 1997
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - Hortense Vasucchi, December 31 1997
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - J. Cameron, Canada, December 31 1997
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - Pierre Chaud, none, US, December 31 1997
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - Pierre Chaud, none, US, December 31 1997
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - Graham Lenton, not applicable, England, January 04 1997
- Re: Veggie-Nazis and their silly McSpotlight site - CIALUS SURIAN, AUSTRALIA, August 28 1996
- Who are you calling a vegetarian? - Andrew Fildes, Australia, August 28 1996
- Are you perhaps a major stockholder? - Zaida Rivas, US, August 15 1996
- Serious reallity check needed! - John C, England, June 04 1996
- Why don't you just not eat there? - Parker Matthews, May 24 1996
- Hard to read - C. Brace, May 24 1996
- Hoorahh!! - TJ Moreland, Cleveland, US, May 24 1996
- One billion tumours served - Rivahcat, May 17 1996
- Yes, but who are the good guys? - Greg Sharp, Netherlands, May 17 1996
- Funny McDonald's don't have email - Tim Atkinson, Australia, May 17 1996
- Tables being turned - Brain Russ, UK, May 04 1996
- Now I won't be dependent on the mainstream media - John Loretz, USA, May 04 1996
- Using McSpotlight info in medical paper - Chloe, Canada, May 02 1996
- McSpotlight is a message to other fast-food joints - Amit, May 02 1996
- Balancing multinationals' disinformation - Gary, UK, May 02 1996
- Unparalleled in the Web - David Toube, Lecturer in Law, University of London, UK, May 02 1996
- Who cares what we think? - Devin, Activist Resource Network, United? Kingdom, May 02 1996
![Just a Line](/file/13784/Image.iso/debate/debate~2/line3.jpg)