In Reply to: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! posted by Ticked off Tim on October 23, 1996 at 01:01:36:
> The only reason you people don't like McDonalds is because you're
> jealous that they make so much money. The only reason you don't
> make as much is because you can't get off you lazy chair and do
> something.Don't be ridiculous! Do you have any idea about any
issues involved in this disscussion?The rainforest land that McDonald's rears it's cattle on is
rendered useless after a relatively short time. This is because
the soil is so fragile. This effectively diminishes the rainforest
and also means that land which could be used by indigenous people
to grow food for themselves is not available.Also, none of their packaging is recycled after they use it Etc, etc....
There are many more points I'd like to raise. But unfortunatelyI don't really think you'd understand them.
If you really want to have a part in a meaningfull discussion,
why don't you surf the net a little bit more and find something out