May I make a recommendation to those appalled by
McDross that they pick up on the writing of
Noam Chomsky, a linguist at MIT who in his
spare time (!) documents the ways in which links
between sectors of the establishment (e.g. big business,
the military, the press & media) mutualy reinforce
a single view of the world which is, conveniently, shaped
so as to advantage...err..big business, the military & the
media.One facet of Chomsky's reasoning is that states have the
capacity to 'manufacture consent' - i.e. deliberately
use information ro enforce one view of an event at the
expense of all other views. The bombing of Libya, allegedly
for their part in the descruction of the PanAm flight
over Lockerbie is one example - there is (arguably)
more evidence to prove Libya's innocence on this count
than their guilt. The whole Gulf War business entailed a
fairly large amount of mud-slinging in the direction of Iraq
(probably mosty justified) but was extremely sotto voce about
equally foul aspects of life in Kuwait.So, there you have it; McDonalds - same old shit,
different bottle. For the ingredients, check out Chomsky
(or, if reading ain't you're strong point, track down a
showing of a recent documentry film, uncannily entitled
'Manufacturing Consent').Kind regards to Helen & Dave - kinda wish I was you, but
sort of glad I'm not.