- Multinationals -Flooding in the media, an unkind messIn Reply to: Manufacturing Consent - the press & corporate freedom posted by Simon Smith on May 08, 1996 at 20:31:31:
In the foreground, waiting to be initialized, is the matinee for today's highlight feature, death, fire, and any other catastrophe that can keep the unconscious public from realizing that it is being bombarded each day with news that corporate America wants them to hear and see. Noam Chomsky's film and book have defined in great detail the light at the end ot the tunnel. He has demonstrated that without cause for alarm, there will be no action taken. One has got to see through powerful corporate greed in order to take back the rights that have been, and continue daily to be violated. Read the book Manufacturing Consent, or see the movie, it is beneficial to everyone that thinks that the America they live in is a democracy. None.