Webster's History : Version 0.08
This version is mainly a big fix (as the last was a bit of a disaster). But it does include some improvements.
Version 0.08
Fixed Problems
- Problems with WimpSlots for Inline Viewers and No inline images when the
Gif Decoder
Wimpslot is set to zero.
- Problem with running commands on files fetched from remote machines.
- Problem with decoding ± (and any & codes after this in websters internal list)
- Many problems with "Unknown or missing variable" errors.
- Problem with Having "Keep main window on screen" NOT set Forcing the main window to the back.
- Improved the RNMail fetcher to use or ask for a subject (Julian Wright)
- Syntax errors causing at least three other problems.
- Clicking on
in the Goto URL
page (^G) now just closes the window rather than Trying to load the page.
- Files for which there is no match in the ScanType File, have the first 255 characters checked to see if it could reasonably be a text file. If so Webster loads them otherwise a save window will be opened.
- Spritefiles can now be viewed using Webster if requested. (You must set up the External Viewers first)
- Updated the FTP, Telnet and RNMail fetchers as per latest RFC1738 (Done by Paul Allen actually). They now cater for URLs containing
character quoting values (hh being a hex value)
- Documented the External Viewers option in the Choices window.
- Added a simple clipboard, Text from any writable icon in Webster can be
to a clipboard with CTRL+C and then Pasted
into any other of Webster's writable Icons with CTRL+V.
- Added horizontal lines to saved Draw files.
- Added a
for the mailto
method for use with NewsBase. (Called NBMail)
- Added some examples to the Fetchers file.
- Where text is centered, any underlines are now centered as well.
- You can now use a text editor to view fetched text files via the External Viewers option in the Choices window.
Thanks to all those who have provided bugs and fixes. (Especially those who sent the fixes)
Andrew Pullan, 28th March 1995