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Webster's History : Version 0.14

New features!

  1. The link you click on is now coloured differantly until the fetch fails or the page arrives. This is so you can tell where you asked to go.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed some minor bugs and improved error handleing in the FreeWeb fetcher.
  2. Background images and text colours now appear reliably again.
  3. Default Table alignment is now LEFT. This is Netscape compatible rather than HTML 3 compatible. This will change when I implement HTML 3 style tables.
  4. Tables can now have Form tags enbeded in them. They could before, but their width was not taken into account when sizing the table.
  5. You can now POST forms to Relative URL's as well as Absolute ones.
  6. If a clicking on a text icon causes a change in that text icon, the caret is no longer moved to that icon.
  7. Have put the 'Render' option back in the 'External Viewers' Configuration window. Don't know why it disappeared.
  8. The 'Save Image' window now types the images correctly when used on local images.
  9. Now uses the same method of selecting the 'Best fit colour' as RISC OS 3 when selecting text and background colours.
  10. Spots in Unordered lists now appear when the background image is changed on RISC OS 3.
Thanks to all those who have provided Bugs Reports and Suggestions, your input is really appreciated. .

If you know of a bug please tell me about it.

Andrew Pullan, 9th March 1996