It's ShowTime for ClipNotes!  PACT ClipNotes 98

A Small Sticky Notes Editor
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12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy.

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2ndBackup - Ultimate Security for Your Important Data. 2ndBackup
Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! SaveLayout99.1a
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer

Just Do It
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor! SetTextColor
PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown! Shutdown 99.1

Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP! DeskTOP
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quick! QuickStart 99.1a
Date and Time always on TOP! ShowTime 99.1a
     & ClipNotes New!
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz! WinBzzzz

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Order of License for PACT ShowTime

Designed for Windows 95/98/NT.

(Download all 12Ghosts 1.2 MB, 12-Nov-98)

What is ClipNotes?
Features of ClipNotes
Changing Sounds
Short Keys for ClipNotes
It's ShowTime! Where do you find the time?! ShowTime Homepage
E-mail ClipNotes Support
How to Order a License


Download PACT ShowTime  Download PACT ShowTime 99.1 including ClipNotes

430 KB, 29-Oct-98, Self-extracting, with Setup and Uninstall.


What is ClipNotes?

ClipNotes is just one part of ShowTime. ClipNotes is easy to access from the main ShowTime window or directly per hotkey.

ClipNotes is not intended to be a stand-alone application, and it's not intended to become a full-fletched web site administration tool kit, and it's not even intended to be a word processor.

ClipNotes is intended to be just a light editor to keep some notes or addresses. It is quickly accessible, provides font formating and easy editing capabilities. Together with ShowTime you always have the access point visible on the screen - the clock - to start ClipNotes with one direct click.


Features of ClipNotes

Unlimitted text size

Font formatting

Automatic save (optional)

Auto-scrolling - on mouse over the first/last two lines of text, per line or page (slower to the right, faster to the left)

Copy on selection (optional)

Find and Replace

Supports Internet and filesystem links, one click activation

User defined hotkey

Easy window positioning per arrow keys and mouse

Word wrap to window (optional)

Always on top (optional)

Close on focus lost (optional)


Changing Sounds

ClipNotes plays several sounds for a better coordination. When you move the mouse over the left side of the ShowTime main window, as well as when you hover the mouse over the first or last two lines of text, the low tone ENNNN.WAV is playing in an endless loop. This way, you can find the auto-scrolling area without looking, what you might perceive as an advantage.

On the other hand, you might have other preferences regarding the sound or the volume. When you open the installation folder C:\Program Files\PACT ShowTime you will find several wave and midi files. ENNNN.WAV was mentioned above and you should also notice LINE.WAV and PAGE.WAV, the clicking sounds playing when you auto-scroll up or down per line or page.

You can edit these three files with the Windows accessory SoundRecorder, for example decreasing the volume or record your unique sounds. Or you can copy and rename your prefered sounds here. For example you should find ENNNN2.WAV in the same folder, which is a rather harmonic alternative to ENNNN.WAV. Just rename ENNNN.WAV to ENNNN1.WAV and then ENNNN2.WAV back to ENNNN.WAV to activate it as the humming ClipNotes sound.


Short Keys for ClipNotes

ClipNotes supports all the common edit keys used in all the common editors. You probably know all of them.

Arrow Keys Move insertion mark
Home/End Begin/End of line
Prev/Next Page up/down
Ctrl+Home/End Begin/End of document
Ctrl+Left/Right Next/previous word
Ctrl+Up/Down Scroll line vertically
Ctrl+Prev/Next Scroll line horizontally (if no word wrap)
Shift+Move Select text (and optionally copy)
Ctrl+A Select all
Del Right-delete character or delete selection
Backspace Left-delete character or delete selection
Ctrl+Del Delete word right
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Ins Copy to clipboard (take the selection with you)
Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins Paste from clipboard (insert what you have taken before)
Ctrl+X, Shift+Del Cut to clipboard (copy to clipboard and delete the selection)
Ctrl+F Search
Ctrl+H Replace
F3 Find next
Ctrl+F3 Find current selection
Alt+F Open the Font Format dialog box
Ctrl+B Bold
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+U Underline
Ctrl+8/9 Decrease/increase font size
ALT+0149 • (Bullet) You can insert any character from the (Start - Programs - Accessories) Character Map
AltGr+N Start ClipNotes (you can change this hotkey)
Ctrl+S Save
Alt+O Options sub menu
Alt+O+W Toggle word wrap
Alt+Arrow Keys Move Window upper-left edge 10 Pixel
Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys Move Window lower-right edge 10 Pixel
Alt+Ctrl+Arrow Keys Move Window upper-left edge 1 Pixel
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ Arrow Keys Move Window lower-right edge 1 Pixel


  It's ShowTime! Where do you find the time?!


This program is a test version for evaluation only. You can use the software for evaluation purposes without charge for a maximum of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee for a full version is required.

How to Order a License
License Agreement



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12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy. "5-Star Excellent" "5-Star Excellent"
"5-Star Excellent"
for all 12Ghosts **COOL TOOL Award Winner**COOL TOOL
Award Winner
for Save Layout, JumpReg, ShellX, ShowTime

ZD-Net 5-Star: "Outstanding in all respects. One of the best of its class."
for JumpReg

(Previous version reviewed 3/98) ZD-Net Editors' Pick - 4-Star: "A very good program, with some outstanding features."
for Save Layout, Timer, ShellX, ShutDown


Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup! 2ndBackup -  airbag for your data

Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy - copy user profiles, including the referenced files!

Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! Save Layout - desktop icon positions, auto-save and restore
Major Update!!! **COOL TOOL Award Winner**Cool Tool

Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer -  application scheduler, once, recurring, after logon, reminder, moonphase


Do It Now
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg - create bookmarks/ shortcuts to registry keys, ZD:zd5starr.gif (1031 bytes) **COOL TOOL Award Winner**Cool Tool

Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent! SetTextColor - change the desktop icon text and background colors, also transparent!

PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX context menu extension for user defined commands in the right-click menu of files and folders! **COOL TOOL Award Winner**Cool Tool

The most powerful shutdown utility - PACT ShutDown! ShutDown - the most powerful terminating utility! Shutdown per shortcut, key, or your own programs! Major Update!!!


Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP! DeskTOP Desktop simulator - application launcher with amazing behavior...

Open System Folders Quicker! QuickStart - open system folders and tools quicker!
Major Update!!!

Where do you find the time!? It's ShowTime! - the ultimate clock, alarm, hour signal, sticky notes, more than 70 options. Major Update!!! **COOL TOOL Award Winner**Cool Tool

Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz! WinBzzzz - size and position windows per click


Order License for PACT Software How to order a license online, free phone, fax, e-mail, or mail

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