I like to dream of the beaches and coconut water.
Go there
Since I 'm back, I don't suffer from this disease anymore, but I used to go to the closest Lucky's (Southern California), buy a good 6-pack of Corona (since I couldn't find Brahma...) and listen to Brazilian music until I fell asleep.
Send me e-mail if you miss Brazil and we chat either in Portuguese or English!
I can't be creative enough to tell something more than you already did. I also cook, prepare some caipirinhas and drink guarana when I feel "saudades do Brasil". And I also call Brazil and talk to my family and some old friends. Finally, I make use of internet to read compilations of Brazilian newspapers and to discuss current Brazilian issues. It is important to keep in touch with the challenges faced by Brazilians today and to be able to discuss possible solutions. It makes me feel very more Brazilian when I participate of current events. Thanks, Cesar
when i miss brazil i exhale a billion times, fix some food from brazil, play futbol, cry and pray.
Some Rita Lee usually helps.
Listen to Dilermando Reis!
I make feojoada, I go to the beach I put on a tape from brazil
I have never been to Brazil but have studied the language at the university of Wisconsin-Madison. Where do you find people to practice speaking portuguese? If you would like, you could write me. I may not be able to respond to everything, but it may help us both.
It seems like listening to music is a must that I simply "must" do regularly to keep my sanity. However, besides that, I also like to read books in Portuguese, especially when I realize I'm starting to forget some words (what a shame!). I like to read words that have no translation, like "berimbau", or "araruta". Then I try to remember as many names of places, animals and plants as I can. How about that?
eu estou morrendo de saudades do Brasil, pois estou perdido no meio dele , e acho que ele estß mais perdido que eu!!!!
I start singing songs which touch the soul.
watch xuxa
Conheca Minas Gerais http://www.bis.com.br/~bhtec
Fiat Palio - Lancamento Mundial http://www.bis.com.br/~superalf
Meu nome e Thiago Barreto Carvalho. Atualmente estou nos E.U.A durante um ano em intercambio cultural. Escrevo simplesmente pra elogiar a otima ideia e brilhiante producao. E disso que o Brasil precisa. Congratulations!!!
When I miss Brazil, I call my sister or my brother in Rio. And we talk about they are doing and of course, what I am doing. I miss Brazil very much. Some day I shall return for a visit.
Marluce De Lucena Martins formely of Rio
Eu leio as noticias ou pergunto por telefone como vao as coisas por la e assim vejo que sinto falta das pessoas que estam la, mas nao da situacao, que pra mim continua a mesma.
I listen to Simone or Elis Regina. Sometimes I also listen to any Brazilian music and drive around thinking about the beaches in Fortaleza!
Taka a look in my photo-album!
I like listening to Bossa Nova
Eu sinto falta das sombras dos coqueiros quando estava sentada na praia a observar as ondas do lindo mar.
marta rocha
A saudade do Brasil e' um sentimento constante pra mim. Eu estou morando aqui na California ate' maio do ano que vem, e mal posso esperar pra voltar pro Brasil. Agora, quando a saudade aperta mesmo e nao tem santo que ajude, eu ouco uma Rita Lee ou Marisa Monte, vejo fotos da familia e do namorado, e penso em todas as coisas boas que eu sei que existem aqui. Acabo chegando a conclusao que estou aqui por uma boa razao. E' dificil estar longe da familia e dos amigos, mas sei que vou voltar em um ano. Ja' que e' assim, o negocio e' aproveitar a oportunidade de viver num pais tao diferente, com costumes tao opostos aos brasileiros, e bola pra frente!
I dance samba in the house.Write to friends or call my mother. How do you get guarana? I live in IOWA and it's hard to get anything from Brasil in here. My name is Angela Turner and my address is 54382 240TH Av. Pocahontas - Iowa. 50574. USA. I miss Brasil a lot, I need the feel of the sand under my feet,the smell of the ocean and eat mangos and all the things of Pernambuco.
>I have my swimming class in >Gota Dagua Swimming School ! >Where? In Belo Horizonte, near from >Ouro Preto. >Visit http://www.bhvirtual.com/gota >Swim or soccer? >Obrigado. Regisbh
I lived in Brasilia my whole life, when I decided to start studying Medicine in the University of Illinois; but I miss my country and my city a heck of a lot... I usually listen to music, for example, Marisa Monte, Djavan, and Caetano Veloso... They are awesome. I play soccer too, even as a girl. I started to play soccer here in the US, I never play soccer in Brazil. And I usually call my family and friends, when I am missing them really bad... Well I am visiting Brazil on saturday, I haven't visit Brazil in six years. That is time to go back for a while...
When I miss Brazil I listen to Brazilian music while laying in my hammock or I look at my pictures, slides, or video of my wonderful time there. I also make cocada (like today) or other Brazilian foods. I'd drink guaranß except I don't know where I can get any near Michigan =( Rebecca (ejones@voyager.net)
Morar em Nova York nao e tao mal assim por se considerada a capital do mundo. Mas nunca iremos encont rar aqui o calor humano e natural que se encontra na nossa terra natal. Apesar que temos varios restaurantes e bares com musica e shows de cantores brasileiros nao e o mesmo que ir a um bar ou show no Brazil. Sou estudante de medicina e psicologia na Binghamton University na cidade de Bingahmton,NY Sou de Maceio-AL e as praias sao o que me faz mais falta. Meu e-mail endereco e Airamba@aol.com e meu endereco na internet e: http://members.aol.com/airamba/airam.html.
Unfortunately I am not um brasileiro. Nevertheless, whenever I miss Brazil, and this is hapenning very often these days, I prefer listening to Brazilian music and dancing the wonderful dances of your country.
Unfortunately I am not um brasileiro. My closest connection with brazil is meu brasileiros amigos since my college days in London. Nevertheless, whenever I miss Brazil, and this is hapenning very often these days, I prefer listening to Brazilian music and dancing the wonderful dances of your country. I hope that you will reply to my message in case you wanna have a chat with guy who loves everything emerging from that country. Thanx in advance. ...NICK
Guarana, Churascarias, and the Beach. Living in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), can only be decribed as slow, cold (most of the time), and boring compared to Rio's night life.
We have hosted five exchange students from the states of RJ, SP, and RS. So our solution is simply to host another Brasilian student. We bring a part of Brasil to us! (Ken & Maelu)
Eu Falo Portugese com amigos
Read soc.culture.brazil
I drink...
I go to sleep, so I can dream that I am there. In Rio de Janeiro, at the beach!!!
Ouco musicas brasileiras e escrevo para amigos.
Vera Ficher
cook some Brazilian food
Search for pictures of Brasil on the WEB
I only visited Belo Horizonte, and only for a short time, but I miss the beautiful woman I met there and have been keeping in touch with ever since. When I miss her or Brazil I read her letters, listen to "Beleza Tropical", a great compilation of Brazilian music (I'm in the market for more), and sometimes call her. It seems there are many similar people who have replied here, if anyone wants a penpal I'm at fred.haab@turner.com, I'm especially interested in the person who wrote from Atlanta - where can I buy Guarana?!?
Ponho um disco do Vinicius
I listen to Legiao Urbana, read letters from friends, call friends, and look at old pictures. I want to go back so badly!!
Quando sinto saudade do Brasil eu toco musica da Elis, Nara Leao, Milton Nascimento, Gilberto Gil, Caetano e muitos outros.Moro aqui num suburbio perto da cidade de Chicago, e gracas a Deus encontro discos brasileiras na maioria das lojas.Mas mesmo assim nao e iqual. Sinto falta dos amigos, da clima, da comida, do trafego, das buzinadas dos carros, das cortadas pessoas dao nas ruas.Sinto falta da Ginga,o jeitao Brasileiro de viver.
I put on a disco of Chico Buarque (sou a maior FA dele) or sing along with Dorival Caymi, "ai, mais que saudade tenho da Bahia.. Luckily, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where there are many opportunities to eat, drink, dance, and xxxx Brazilian style!
I call home.
Como feijao preto com costelinha de porco e couve.
I do not miss Brazil: I am here. Mas, parabens pela divulgaτπo, uma das melhores da www. Continue. Cesar Cusatis.
Me, again. Tem qualquer coisa de errado com a page do LNLS (Science & Technology): ela "entope" no meio do caminho. ╔ uma pena pois o LNLS merece a tua divulgaτπo. Cheers. Cesar Cusatis: cusatis@fisica.ufpr.br.
I look at some old pictures and write letters to friends.
Brasil alem de ser um pais maravilhoso,e uma atitude de ver a vida sobre um angulo diferente. E um sorriso, um abraco, uma piada,um beijo,um carinho, uma briga entre namorados.Por isso a gente sente tanta falta do Brasil.
call my family in florianopolis
eu chamo ppara minha familia ou algum amigo
I call my family or some friends
eu compro uma passagem e volto :))
I go to the local Made In Brazil store in Salt Lake City and have a guarana or call an ex-girlfriend...Just kidding.
I make some feijoada, drink guarana, and listen to musica brasileira, usually Gilberto Gil!
I just go to www.flamengo.com the best soccer team in the world. I want caipirinha!!!!!!!!
1. Drive up to Newark, NJ, and have a feijoada. 2. Call my best friend in Sao Paulo. 3. Go on the WWW and read some Brazlian newspapers. 4. Go on to the IRC and chat with them in Portuguese. 5. Plan a trip to Brazil, and never go. :)
I'm in Brazil. I must look around. I feel it. I smell Brazil everywhere. When I'm out I miss the time I'll come back. I miss to hug strongly my best friends. To feel the human heat. To make friends quick and easily. Brazil is a state of mind. A state of art. A way to be. And to see each other, to love each other.
Im right now in Brazil... but in Jan/97 i will go to USA as an enchange student... so... i think i will miss Brazil :( But... Brazilian people (talk in portuguese please!:) send me some mail... I want to talk about the American Culture: Thiago Yamada
carmem miranda
I go to the internet and talk to people from Brasil!!!
Eu preparo uma caipirinha e escrevo uma carta romΓntica para minha namorada brasileira.
I listen to "Chega de Saudade" and stir up a few caipirinhas (but still can't find a good maracuja)
I have wishful thoughts of good times I had when I was living in Brazil, usually with family and friends. Sometimes I will listen to music and get very nostalgic, other times I actually get happy thinking back on fond memories
Me entrego de todo a saudade: Chico Buarque on the CD or Jobim instrumental with a book of poems by Vinicius! Call my 3 yr old niece and get teary when she says "vem brincar comigo titia"...
Usually, I listen to the northeastern Brazilian music,which I think the most Brazilian.Looking over the pictures taken in Brazil also works. Obrigada!
Although I am not technically Brasilian, I have visited many parts of Brasil during my 15 visits in the last several years. Maybe this isn't the response you were expecting, but I miss Brasil!! Mostly the warm, compassionate, and funny people. The food, the beach, the crazy drivers, and even the street kids are all a part of my favorite memories of another place and time which I travel to frequently in my mind when I miss Brasil. Not exactly the same as being there, but close. I also have become hooked on Brasilian soapoperas. They make me laugh and although I don't understand much of the language still, the Brazilian people are so expressive, it isn't difficult to figure out what's going on! Just writing this makes me sad and lonely for that beautiful country. Hopefully, I'll get back there soon. Barbara_Minton@smptgate.litton.com. Ciao.
I listen to some music performed by brazilian artists and try to feel a little bit better
C R Y . . .
I go to a brazilians pub where i can hear my language, and eat some kind of food from brazil and try a girl friend
call home
I call my best friend, Luciana, in Chicago and we laugh about the times when she teased me about my gaucha accent once I moved to Sao Paulo. I also put Daniela Mercury on and pretend to samba in my room. I do have a quia in which I occasionally prepare a chimarrao maravilhoso feito com cha de cidreira.
Como: Arroz, feijπo, mandioca frita, bistequinha de porco e para arrematar pudim de leite condensado. Se no fundo tiver um sambinha maneiro....melhor
I listen Milton Nascimento music
Cook Brazilian Food in House
Hi my name is Jennifer, writting from Toronto, Canada and when i miss Brazil i try not to listen to any Brazilian music or see any pictures of friends and family. You know try to keep away from what will remind you of Brazil!!! My e-mail address is amazonas@ftn.net
I read some poems from Mario Quintana, and dream about the "Ceus de Porto Alegre, como te levarei para o Ceu?" :_)
I try to find on the net anything which end with .br Thanks for keeping this site alive !
Escuto um bom CD da Marina cantando o meu Rio de Janeiro! Tomo umas caipirinhas com amigos! Viajo pela Internet, procurando cantinhos como este aqui, para saber e falar sobre o nosso amado Brasil!!! Alexandre (na Holanda).
your page is wonderful..but do not take it for granted that only brasileiros are surfing it.I am a gringo who has been in rio many times on business, and I always miss it.What I do, is play my cd's ,of which I have an extensive collection.Pluse about 200 hours of brasilian dj's recorded in Rio.I love the people,the place and the food and the music. I am an honorary member of Portella, and the flamenco football club. I love the culture and Imanja.My e-mail address is riomel@ix.netcom.com
Look at pictures of the people we met there and I even have a video we put to music. I think about the time I will be going back and that alone takes the blues away!
When I miss Brasil, where I've never been, I send an email to my Brasilian woman, whom I've never met in person... Some day...
listen to musica brasileira
I usually write in my diary or sing Baiana music
Nothing, but I wish that I can visit the country one day before I die, because people say the country is beautiful.I am a musician by talent. The music that I have grown to love is Brazilian music. It is so different from GRINGO music. I play the piano, and have plenty of Brazilian music to make. Unfortuneatly,We in America don't listen to Latino musica. Only the trained musician has a appreciation for Brazilian and cuban musics. I have several songs that I want produced in Brazil. There is one song that I came up with that I believe will rock the nation. It is so powerful, so sensual,so peaceful that it will join the ranks of "GARROTA DE IPANEMA. I like many carioca men enjoy natural beautiful women, especially mulatas- which my song is based.I can go on and on about my interest in the pais do Brazil. But who ever reads this letter I want to thank you for it. Maybe one day I will be famous in your country. Keep learning English Brazil! It may be very useful. One thing more look out for keep in mind Mr.M. Ate logo!
Primeiramente, eu abro meu album de fotos do Brasil e gozo das lembrancas que tenho. Dai, visito uma lojinha perto de minha casa que se chama "made in brazil" que vende quarana e sonho de valtz.....dai como ate o po. Escrevo cartas para amigos no Brasil, e leu os poucos livros que tenho em portuguese.
quando eu fico na suadades eu samba ate my estivesse doendo.
I look at photos and put on my favorit Chico Science cd! Mas estou voltando logo se tudo dar certo!
chorar,fazer feijoada jogar farofa no ar e ver xica da silva no video
eu como um monte de comida brasileira
First of all I want to say that I actually miss Brazil all the time. However, when it is really bad I listen to Marissa Monte which only makes me miss Brazil even more. I send letters and call every now and then also but it is very expensive to call from Denmark, so it does not happen very often. I lived in Sao Lius, Maranhao, for six months and it was simply the best time of my life until now, no doubt about that. Actually I am going back to visit my friends and "family" for x-mas. I am at the moment studying at Southampton Institute, but I often think about letting everything go and return to my favorite spot on earth. If you have any chance to help me find an E-mail address in Sao Luis I would be very greatful. However, I suppose that not a lot of people have even heard about E-mail. But still, there must be somebody in Sao Luis who is connected. I speak and understand Potuguese so it does not matter whether the person writes in English or Portuguese. As said before I would be very happy if you could help me. My address is : M0306JHR@SOLENT.AC.UK By the way my name is Jonas. I look forward to hearing from you.
Oi,atualmente eu to morrendo de saudade do nosso Brasil maravilhoso.Sua ideia foi genial,eu to morendo em Michigan esse ano.Sou uma estudante de Intercambio.Nasci em Fortaleza mas moro em Manaus-Amazonas.E eu estou sempre escutando Bossa nova e sonhando com as lindas praias do meu Ceara...
Quando eu sinto saudades do Brasil, eu choro de mais. PorΘm, para sentir-me melhor, eu escuto a musica de Legiπo Urbana, Cidade Negra, etc. Sou canadense, e morei no Nordeste por dois anos e cada dia eu sinto saudades de lß. Nπo hß lugar melhor! Pode me escrever nesse endereτo: mmjenson@acs.ucalgary.ca
I run up a big huge fone bill!!!
Missing Brazil,
I have only been once, but have several good friends there, so the best way I have found to relieve the feeling is to pull out the pictures. I made sure to take plenty on my trip and so I have lots to look at. That and surfing the Web. I have found several web sites with pictures that take me back. I had some money problems on my last trip (bank's fault) so I didn't get to pick up as many items as I would have liked, so next time I will grab more stuff. That and I was given the CD by Skank -- Pretty good music, if you like the type. That reminds me of the night we went to a club. It's not as good as being there, but it helps
Dann Miller, Elmira, New York
I put some Skank, or Benjor, or Tim Maia, or... on the CD-player and dance till the saudade has gone...
Quando sinto muita saudade do NOSSO Brasil, costumo ligar para os meus no Brasil e as vezes choro ao telefone, mas isso nao e uma grande coisa.. Adoro ouvir CD's Brazileiros que trouxe do Brasil.Mas principalmente adoro conversar com outros amigos intercambiarios.
I listen to Brazilian music, call friends in Brazil and watch some Brazilian shows on tape
I usually listen to marisa monte or write my friends, sometimes I even call them.
I drink chimarrao by the fireplace.
the first thing that I do is take the most beautiful flag of the world and I shake it just how the brazilians can do and I listen the HINO BRASILEIRO.
eu toco bossa nova no violπo e pretendo que sou Joπo Gilberto
Leio Paulo Coelho: "A vida Θ como uma grande corrida de bicicleta - cuja meta Θ cumprir a Lenda Pessoal. Na largada, estamos juntos - compartindo camaradagem e entusiasmo. Mas, α medida que a corrida se desenvolve, a alegria inicial cede lugar aos verdadeiros desafios: o cansaτo, a monotonia, as d·vidas quanto α pr≤pria capacidade. Reparamos que alguns amigos desistiram do desafio - ainda estπo correndo, mas apenas porque nπo podem parar no meio de uma estrada. Eles sπo numerosos, pedalam ao lado do carro de apoio, conversam entre si, e cumprem uma obrigaτπo. Terminamos por nos distanciar deles; e entπo somos obrigados a enfrentar a solidπo, as surpresas com as curvas desconhecidas, os problemas com a bicicleta. Perguntamo-nos finalmente se vale a pena tanto esforτo. Sim, vale. ╔ s≤ nπo desistir."
Cleber D. Giorgetti.
Dreaming about hot and humid nights in Amazonia . Dreaming about Peixe Frito at the beach in Barra. Dreaming about the view onto Corcovado from the place I used to stay in Laranjeiras. Listening to all the beautiful music that I brought with me to Australia where I live now. Thinking about all my Carioca friends and writing to them whenever I have time.
Read a novel by Jorge Amado, and miss it even more
CANTO, TOCO VIOLσo, pretendo que sou joao gilberto, sinto o cheiro humido do verde infinito, sinto o balanτo das morenas, sinto o ardor do nosso sol, sinto...saudades do brasil
Moro no USA ha tres anos, estou estudando International Business na Boise State University. E muito facil matar as saudades do Brasil, la vai minha receita: coloque um CD de pagode, comeco a cantar e dancar, imagine-se na praia pegando um sol e bebendo uma caipirinha. Essa receita nunca falha! Um beijao, Fernanda
I prepare myself a good glass of caipirinha with the cachaca I brought from Brazil and Scottish lemmon, call some friends to listen to Brazilian music and many times we end up having a marvelous carnaval party!
I call my best friend in Brazil ( Fortaleza ).
Ai que saudades que eu tenho!! Musica e meu melhor remedio; tambem leio muito, estou sempre em contacto com minha gente, familia e amigos, e eles me mandam revistas, livros, etc.. A nossa comida e tambem uma forma de satisfaser essa falta danada que a gente tem da "terrinha", mas o de que eu mais sinto falta mesmo e das pessoas, essa gente maravilosa, bronseada, alegre, safada, sincera, gostosa, que nao tem outra igual. Maria que bom encontrar voce!! Eu sou Regina e estou morando em San Francisco, CA. nice place, mas quem vem de outro sonho feliz de cidade....voce ja sabe o fim da estoria, Um beijao e pra frente que atraz vem gente... rsoares@msn.com
Listen to bossa-nova (jobim, etc)
go for a hike, breath and sing.
As simple as this may sound, I have a recipe that hasn't failed me for the 4.5 years I've been in the US:
1) Get busy with my work and studies 2) Remember why I'm here for 3) Keep in contact, but make sure this doesn't take up too much of my time 4) Visit home, shortly once a year 5) Be open minded and positive
Visito all possible sites from RJ TonyRJ
Tento ver o maximo possivel fotos do Rio de Janeiro! (GATA@RAMLINK.NET)TONYDA SILVA/RJ
First of all I do a collect-call to my mom. Than if it doesn't
works I call my best friend and I write a lot of letters! Maria,
Lay in the sun, dream about Casquinha de siri. Drink Guarana Antartica. Leticia :)
Querida Maria ,quando eu sinto saudades do Brasilzao , eu geralmente telefono para a minha vo ou para as minhas amigas. desde que me mudei para o Canada en 1992, nunca consegui fazer amizade de verdade con ninguen aqui. eu nao sei porque mas eu acho as pessoas aqui muito falcas . Eu morro de saudades de casa ja fazen quase cinco anos que nao vou ao brasil , eu estou tentando juntar uma graninha para ir em maio de 97, porque e o aniverssario de casamento dos meus avos e prometi para eles que iria e levaria o meu filho comigo . Ben vou terminando por aqui , espero que voce me escreva contanto sobre a sua vida fora do Brasil. O meu nome e Helen e eu morro em Simcoe no Canada.
Like you, I listen to a great deal o musica brasileira, anything from Villa Lobos to the caipiras like Belmonte e Amarai, Osvaldo MOntenegro e varios outros. As vezes visto uma camiseta verde e amarela, falo com minha mae ou vejo fotos antigas de minha infancia em Presidente Epitacio. What I miss the most right now is Brasil's beautiful blue skies and warm climet.
Escuto a fita que foi feita pelos meus amigos em Campos RJ.
A mais recente alternativa (alem de escrever em portugues) e' Ouvir o novo CD "Aldir - 50 Anos" do ALdir Blanc. E por falar em saudades, ai' vai um trecho de uma das musicas dessa obra prima:
"Saudades da Guanabara"
Eu sei que meu peito e' uma lona armada/ Nostalgia nao paga entrada/ Circo vive e' de ilusao/ Chorei/ ai eu Chorei!/ com saudades da Guanabara/ Refulgindo de estrelas claras/ Longe dessa devastacao. E entao,/ Armei pic-nic na mesa do Imperador/ E na Vista Chinesa solucei de dor/ Pelos crimes que rolam contra a liberdade./ Reguei o Salgueiro pra Muda pegar outro alento/ E plantei novos brotos no Engenho de Dentro/ Pra alma nao se atrofiar./ Brasil/ Tua cara ainda e' o Rio de Janeiro/ Tres por quatro na foto e o teu corpo inteiro/ Precisa se regenerar./ Brasil/ Tira as flechas do peito do teu padroeiro/ Que Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro/ Ainda pode se salvar.
Grande Abraco.
I make a real effort to read more and lear more about my brazilian heritage.
I listen to Joao Gilberto singing Corcovado and start to think how wonderful Rio de Janeiro is despite all violence and the jungle law that we are supposed to live with.
"O samba da minha terra deixa a gente mole, quando se danca todo mundo bole, quando se danca todo mundo bole"
So' o brasileiro tem esse jeito "sacana" de viver ne'...