e would like you to tell us how you handle your saudades do Brasil. When I miss Brazil, I usually listen to music, cook some Brazilian food, prepare a caipirinha, drink guaranß, send some e-mail or, in desperation, call my best friend in Rio!
Ladies and gentlemen out there, you've made this a VERY popular page...in other words, it's a huge success! Thank you! If you want to know, the most popular page in Maria-Brazil is the Brazilian Bikini (why is it that that doesn't surprise me?) We had to archive the responses for 1996 and 1997. But keep writing, I'm sure everyone enjoys reading the messages. Over here at Maria-Brazil, we love your thoughts and beautiful song lyrics and poetry!
By the way, you can read your responses, too!
Then you can all go to the food pages, and look at the wonderful new pictures of docinhos and churrasco and papayas and comidas de botequim...It's a great cure - temporary - for saudades.
WARNING: Any comments that are deemed obnoxious, offensive or worse, will immediately be disposed of by our lixeiro on the left!!!