elcome to one of the best-kept secrets in the world: fabulous Brazilian cuisine. All our recipes have been put to the test here in the US, as we slave over a hot stove (ha...ha...). Now, seriously, many were the subject of stories published in the Food Section of The Boston Globe, The Washington Post and other American papers. The Hearts of Palm Salad and the Onion Salad recipes were published in Steven Raichlen's High-Flavor, Low-Fat Cooking. A couple of recipes were given to us by the Brazilian Embassy chef in Washington, DC. Gee...
We went to Brazil last October and brought back more fabulous food photographs and scrumptious recipes.You'll find yourself dying to go to Brazil, just to eat the foods! If the dessert section keeps getting bigger and bigger...well, it's because there are more of them in Brazil! Fruits, eggs and sugar have long been combined into some of the most marvelous confections on Earth. Anyone interested in the ethnography, sociology, etc, of Brazilian desserts, should read a book called Aτ·car (Sugar) by Gilberto Freyre.
See also Brazilian Eating Habits and To Market, to Market: Food Shopping, Etc. Brazilian Style) for more on Brazilian foods. Did you know that Brazil is the largest papaya producer in the world and that the US has finally allowed Brazilian exporters to sell their papayas in this country? I say it's about time...
Check out these great Brazilian cookbooks (in English, of course!) that Maria-Brazil is selling in association with Amazon.com. I do the sales pitch, they do the selling, shipping, etc. Yes, I'll make a little money and it'll go towards keeping this site alive!
Ah, so delicious...
Botequim Food Quibe, esfiha and comida ßrabe-brasileira Brazilian Strogonoff Churrasco (Brazilian Barbecue) Picadinho de milho (Brazilian Chopped Beef with Corn) Panquecas (Brazilian Dinner CrΩpes) Torta de Frango
Other Great Stuff
Bolinhos de bacalhau Brazilian Veggies: Jil≤ and Maxixe Camarπo ao Catupiry (Shrimp with Catupiry Cheese) Empadinhas (Brazilian Shrimp Pies) Empadinhas de queijo (Cheese-filled Pastries) Cuscuz Paulista Cuscuz Paulista with Shrimp and Sardines Mandioca frita (Fried Manioc) Pπo de queijo (Cheese Rolls) Salada de tomate e palmito (Tomato and Heart of Palm Salad) Salada de cebola (Onion Salad) Salada de chuchu (Chayote Salad) Tira-gostos (Brazilian Appetizers)
Tips for those who can read Portuguese:
If you are going to Rio and would like to find a restaurant serving great Brazilian food and caipirinhas and batidas made with cachaτa, now there's help in cyberspace. Danusia Barbara, who's been reviewing restaurants and bars there for nine years, has a great Web site called Danusia Barbara On-Line. Just reading the reviews made my mouth water! Maybe I can still catch a flight tonight...
A Brazilian guy has a Web site dedicated to his grandma's recipes. Take a look at her picture and tell me if you wouldn't want to be her grandchild too.