Caipirinha de Tangerina

This traditional Brazilian drink prepared with cachaτa gets even better (I didn't know it was possible, honestly!) when it's made with a very sweet tangerine. I had one recently in Fortaleza, Cearß, and almost flipped! That was at an Art Gallery cum Restaurant/Bar called Inez Fiuza in Praia de Iracema, but I'm sure there are other places around the city - and the country! - where you can have it too!

1/2 very sweet tangerine

2 ounces of cachaτa

Sugar to taste

Ice cubes

Peel the tangerine and put it in the glass. Sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces with a pestle. (We have a long, wooden one from Brazil, made specifically for this purpose) Add the cachaτa and stir to mix. Add the ice and stir again. It's delicious and potent!

You can also make a pitcher of caipirinha. Figure out how many people and multiply amounts. If you can't find cachaτa where you live, use a good vodka. The drink will then be called caipiroshka. No vodka? Use white rum and you will have a caipirφssima. But it won't taste the same! We also have a large JPEG of caipirinha.

Cachacas.  Copyright Sheila Thomson.  All rights reserved.

Bottles of cachaτa, Brazilian sugarcane liquor. The one on the left was a present from the Brazilian Air Force group called Esquadrilha da Fumaτa, the most simpßtico group of top guns you'll ever meet. The cachaτa is aged in oak barrels and bottled at the Air Force Plantation and Farm in Pirassununga in the state of Sπo Paulo. As I say, just as long as you don't drink and fly...Ypioca is the most famous cachaτa from Cearß

Tip from an American fan: Terry Grossman says he gets his cachaτa from a place called Warehouse Wines & Liquor in Connecticut. Their number is (203) 357-9151, and you're supposed to ask for Bill in sales. Bottles cost $13. So don't let any of it go to waste!

Maria's Cookbook