Pπo de Queijo
(Cheese Rolls)

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If you can find the main ingredient - polvilho doce - you will be able to make this extremely popular Brazilian snack. So popular in fact, that places that serve pπo de queijo and cafezinho and little else are everywhere now. Pπo de queijo isn't really a bread, but a puffy, airy little roll which can be eaten plain or filled with Brazilian cream cheese and olives or guava paste or...or...

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These snacks are very popular... Pπo de queijo e cafezinho...yum!

This recipe comes from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, DC. Their chef always serves tiny pπes de queijo at the Brazilian Independence Day reception in September. Needless to say, we had to have this and other recipes and managed to interview him in his kitchen.

2 lbs of polvilho doce

4 cups milk

1 cup oil

1 tsp salt

5 eggs

1 lb cheese

Heat milk and oil and pour on the polvilho and let cool. Add other ingredients and knead the dough. Make small balls (about 1 teaspoonful) and drop them onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until golden.

Maria's Cookbook