Intercultural Navigation


We have created this Web Page in the hope that both Brazilians and Americans will write and share their experiences with us, in the form of suggestions or comments to each other. There are two different questions and you're welcome to answer both, if you wish. As an example, you could answer to question number 2: When doing business in Brazil, remember that Brazilians like the personal touch. Don't launch into your business discussion right away, small talk to break the ice and establish a connection is a MUST!

Our Crosscultural Pages are the place to start, if you're looking for answers! We have added a lot of your comments and suggestions there already!

If you'd like to check out other cultures around the world, the place to start is The Web of Culture.

  1. For Brazilians in the US. We would like you to share your experience of living in this culture with us. Send us up to five suggestions or comments you think would be helpful to others like you. We will read them and publish our favorites.

  2. For Americans living or doing business in Brazil. Send us up to five suggestions or comments that may be helpful to others. We will read them and publish our favorites.

Copyright ⌐ 1995-1998 by Sheila Thomson. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/22/98