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This web site exists since July 2, 1996.
It is maintained by Stefan Schauwecker.
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan is a free online guide that offers
- information about traditional and contemporary Japan.
- links to other Japan related online resources.
- a forum for communication.
We want this site to be a starting point for online research on Japan for tourists, students, hobby cooks, and everybody else. In addition, we intend to promote intercultural communication and understanding and hope to help reducing widespread ignorance.
Our web site consists of four major sections:
- Information Pages:
There are over 200 information pages dealing with many aspects of Japan: customs, food, tourism, language, religion, entertainment, sports, arts, history, politics, everyday life, etc. Each page offers general information about a single topic and links to other related web pages.
- Japan PenFriend
This is a free e-mail pen pal service specializing in contacts between Japanese and non-Japanese.
- The Forum:
Visitors can ask questions, discuss issues, read other people's experiences, and submit their own contributions.
- Photo Gallery:
Our photo gallery consists of over 200 images from Japan put into several categories. Many more images can be found on the various information pages.
This guide is available in English and German. Only the penfriend section is also available in Japanese.
All texts are written and all images are taken by the creators of Schauwecker's Guide to Japan. The re-posting of any material is basically not permitted.
This site is not related with any educational institution or government. Responsibility for the content of this site solely lays with Stefan Schauwecker, creator and maintainer of Schauwecker's Guide to Japan.
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