Japanese Version
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General problems

Problems with registering

Problems with the ID Number

Problems with contacting a pen pal

Questions about withdrawing from the system

Questions about changing the message/e-mail address

Other messages/problems

How does this system work?
This is an e-mail pen pal forum which is specialized in (but, of course, not restricted to) contacts between Non-Japanese and Japanese internet users. One may participate in two ways. Both are free of any charges:
1) Registering as a pen pal and publishing a personal message on this forum: Other visitors will then be able to request your address and write to you. You have the possibility to withdraw from the system at any time. All messages will be removed automatically after 4-5 months.
2) Requesting the e-mail addresses of registered pen pals: you do this by sending us your e-mail address. Then, within a few seconds, the pen pal's address will be returned to you. There is a limit of three requests per day.

The new system.
Since December 1997 we have been running the new system and database, an improved version of our pen pal service. The main improvement is that the participants receive personal ID numbers with which they can instantly remove or modify their messages. The old system and database is now being replaced by the new system which means that the messages of all the old participants will disappear. Re-registration is neccessary for everybody who registered before December 6, 1997.

How can I register?
Please go to the registration page. All information can be found there.

How long does it take until my message appears on the internet?
Your message appears on the pen pal forum as soon as you receive the confirmation e-mail that contains your ID Number. This usually takes one to seven days.

More than a week has passed but my message hasn't been published yet.
If you did not receive your ID number, you must have registered with a wrong e-mail address. Most likely you entered your address (slightly) wrong. If more than one week has passed, please re-register and make sure to enter your e-mail address correctly.

My message appears in the wrong category (country or age or gender). How can I change it?
You made an error when filling out the form. If the country, age or gender is wrong, please withdraw first and then re-register.

What is an ID Number?
The ID number is your personal identification number when you are registered as a pen pal. You need this number for removing your message or modifying it. You receive it as soon as your message is published on the pen pal forum. An ID number consists of two alphabethic characters and nine digits.

When do I get my ID Number?
Your ID Number is sent to you in the confirmation e-mail that you receive one to seven days after submitting the registration form.

I lost my ID Number.
Sorry, we cannot help you finding your ID Number. Without ID Number you cannot withdraw from the system or modify your message. All messages, however, will be removed automatically 4-5 months after the registration month.

How can I contact a pen pal?
1) Enter your e-mail address into the text field which is located in the message box of the pen pal who you would like to contact, and click the "request" button.
2) The e-mail address of the pen pal will be sent to your e-mail address within a few seconds.
3) Then you may send your first letter to the pen pal.

I requested the address of a pen pal but never received it.
In order to get the address of a pen pal, you have to enter your e-mail address into the text field which is located in the message box of the pen pal, and click the "request" button. If you then do not receive the requested address within a few seconds, there is a problem. Most likely, you entered your e-mail address (slightly) wrong.

After I wrote an e-mail to the pen pal, an error message was returned telling me that the e-mail address does not exist.
Probably you did not copy the pen pal's e-mail address that we sent you correctly. The other possibility is that the pen pal's address does not exist anymore or is temporarily unavailable. If you believe that this is the case, please go here.

I never received an answer from the pen pal.
Sorry, many pen pals, especially Japanese ladies, receive too many messages and are not able to answer all of them.

How can I remove my message from the page?
Please go to the withdrawl page.

How can I change my message or e-mail address?
Please go to the modification page.

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