Balls of Steel (115 kB) The zip files contains different sound files from bos, all are in wav format, sound samples include: "play with myself", "what a mess", "bos", "piece of cake", "hurts to be you", "quit calling me at home", "waiting for christmas".
Playing Full Tilt (33,1 kB) Recording (au format) of someone playing full tilt!
Pro Pinball: The Web (80 kB) The zip files contains different sound files from pptw, all are in au format, sound samples include: "muu", "double combo", "big points", "outstanding", "showdown spear collected", "space station destroyed", "you are close", "you cant win".
Psycho Pinball (109 kB) Two neat sound samples (wav format) from psycho pinball, the wild west bonus count theme and the mean laughing of the psycho clown!
Real Pinball (56 kB) Recording (voc format) of someone playing a real pinball!
Screamball (35,7 kB) Some sample (wav format) sounds from Screamball, samples included: "jackpot", "activated", "multiball", "extraball", "plunger", "flip", "bonus".