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Pinball Simulation Rulesheets Archive

This is the one and only collection of pinball simulation rulesheets on the net. Hope it is to some help. All the rulesheets on this page stand under the copytight law written in the rulesheets. If you want to use them somewhere (on your page, magazine, etc) please notice what the copyright notice in each rulesheet says or alternativly if nothings is written contact the author of the rulesheet (altough I'm pretty sure there will be no problem).
If you have anything to add to the list of rulesheets, mail

Notice that most of the text versions are not meant to be read in the browser, download them and use a word editor to read them (notepad, word etc.).

Royal Flush Rulesheet     by: Arthur B. Glaser     Version/Date: 1.0/1997

Description: Excellent rulesheet to Amtex pinball simulation of their real pinball Royal Flush. The rulesheet is very usefull and informing, it explains how to get most out of the pinball! Many tips and strategies on how to play.

Roll 'M Up Rulesheet     by: Carsten Engelmann     Version/Date: 0.9/1998-09
text version

Description: This rulesheets describes the basics for completing the pinball. The rulesheet is not so detailed (well, short) but still it contains some good information.

Pro Pinball: Timeshock! Rulesheet     by: Jens Goering     Version/Date: 18.01.1998

Description: Excellent strategy guide/rulesheet explaining most of the rules in the table (if not all). It contains descriptions for all targets and modes as well as playing strategies.

Pro Pinball: Timeshock! Rulesheet   by: Tarek Oberdieck   Version/Date: 1.2/13.06.1998
text version

Description: If you have understood the basics of playing timeshock! (see the above rulesheet) you should take a look at this very detailed strategy guide for the table. It explains what you should have in mind when playing and also suggest ideal ways (strategies) of playing. Well-written and helpfull.

Pro Pinball: Timeshock! Rulesheet     by: Mark Green     Version/Date: 0.0/1997
text version

Description: A early rule sheet for Timeshock!, not so complete but it might give a little better understanding of the pinball. Read it and feel free to send updates to the author as the rulesheet is not so complete.

Pro Pinball: The Web Rulesheet     by: Dave M. Smith     Version: 1.5/1997
text version

Description: This is a guide to all the targets, sinkholes and in all everything on the table. It tells you what they do and also hints on how to use them. If you are not all to familiar with the table or want to find out what some things do it is a good idea to start reading this guide and then go over to the two others which are more about playing strategies.

Pro Pinball: The Web Rulesheet     by: Erik Mooney     Version: 1.5/-7/23/98
text version

Description: The by far most complex strategy guide for PP/TW. Giving you deep sigths of how to play. Going in on every aspect of the game and revealing all the things you should know about the simulation. This guide will really help you in your playing, so read it trough.

Pro Pinball: The Web Rulesheet     by: Jonas Martinsson     Version: 1.1/1997
text version

Description:This guide tells you how to score on the different modes, how to shoot the different ramps and in all much strategy on skilled playing.

Pinball Fantasies     by: Erik Mooney     Version: 1.1/1997
text version

Description:This guide gives you lots of tips on how to score and also revealing some major spoilers. A must read if you want to master the tables in this cult pinball.