Q1 How will the hiscores be listed?
Q2 Can I submit hiscores for pinballs not listed?
Q3 Can I submit hiscores for the shareware versions of the pinball?
Q4 Can I submit hiscores for demo versions of the pinball?
Q5 What should the table settings be?
Q6 How do you check that the hiscores are true?
Q7 Do I need to send in hiscore codes/files?
Q8 Where are the hiscore files, how do I retrive the hiscore code?
Q1 How will the hiscores be listed?
A Hiscores will be showned as:
1.(Top Scores) The best scores on each pinballs table.
2.(Almost there) The second best score on each pinballs table.
Q2 Can I submit hiscores for pinballs not listed?
A You can submit hiscores for pinballs not listed, I will simply add a section for them in the list.
Q3 Can I submit hiscores for the shareware versions of the pinball?
A You can send in hiscores reached in the shareware version of the pinball, IF the table in the shareware version is FULLY working. With fully working I mean: The table must be as in the full version of the pinball (a.k.a no more balls or similar). You must write in the comments field that it is a shareware pinball you got the score in.
Q4 Can I submit hiscores for demo versions of the pinball?
A NO (sorry...) Demo versions are sometimes timelimited, have unlimited balls under time pressure or are in some way different from the full version of the pinball. It is thereby natural that I can't add those hiscores to the hiscore lists.
Q5 What should the table settings be?
A Factory default, nothing else is accepted. Right now it is only those who play Timeshock! who have to bother about this. But for the hiscore list to be fair this is required. Don't worry if you play another pinball in which you can choose between 3-5 (or similar) balls, choose what you prefer (but try to stay as close to the default settings at possible, thus making comparision more even). See the rules for a closer explanation of this (simple enough, most scores reached in a pinball is comparable to ones reached in the same pinball by another person since you can't really alter that many settings, and if you can you shouldn't do so to make it easy for you, because then you could just as well send in a fake score which is against the rules).
Q6 How do you check that the hiscores are true?
A First of all, why would anyone bother to send in a false hiscore. I seriously doubt that anyone addict or fan of the genre would bother to do that. Still the risk of someone who is not a addict just happens to come to the site and feels he just have to send in a false score. So this hiscore list is really build up on trust. Things I still use to verify the score is your name, email (if you have one) and if you provided me with it, hiscore code and files (but the two last are not neccessary).
Q7 Do I need to send in hiscore codes/files?
A No. Hiscore files I can use, hiscore codes I can't really do that much with. But by sending in one (code or file) I see that your hiscore is serious and not a false one. Hiscore files should be send in as attached files to a email. The email must also include all the regular data stated on the submit page. Hiscore codes can be entered directly in the comments field in the form or in the email. Codes or Files send to me stay at me, I am the only one who will see them. Notice that I prefere you use the form and thus you can't send in a attached hiscore file, it is not all that neccessary with hiscore files, but if I see a need to ask for one I hope you will provide me with one (if I get 10 submits from the same person and all score reach top positions I will ask).
Q8 Where are the hiscore files, how do I retrive the hiscore code?
A Very few pinballs have the hiscore code future. The only ones at the time of writing is: Pro Pinball: The Web and Pro Pinball: Timeshock!. Hold down both flippers while you are in attract mode and the hiscore codes should appear.
The other pinballs usually writes the score to a hiscore file located in the directory where you installed the pinball. It is hard to guess it's name but you shouldn't have any bigger problems finding it if you have some kind of knowledge of a computer. If you send me this file I can check the score. These things are as said not necessary and the hiscore files are really not all that important, I trust you to send real hiscores, it is all up to you.
Have a question?
Mail to hiscore@pcpinball.com