: : : : : : : are there cheats for space cadet pinball?Hello.. I have been looking for cheats all over.. I found something, but I would not call. I will post the address for it anyways.. http://www.ignpc.com/codes/10202.html The person that gave the cheat to ignpc is Mike Fitz (kfitz1@ix.netcom.com I hope this helps someone.... If anyone out there knows of any cheats or knows where the "High Score" is stored please email me.. I think it is stored inside the program itself with then I can just forget about editing it, or inside the "pinball.dat" file, with then I need to find a dat file editor.. =( oh well ..
Please wright me back, I will check back l8rz.. Goodluck to all that are viewing this message looking for cheats.. I hope you have better luck than I am having right now. Tilt next time, And remember not to lose your balls