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Posted by ace on November 14, 1998 at 20:15:59:
In Reply to: Re: space cadet cheats posted by Travis on October 28, 1998 at 04:09:54:
Subject: Re: space cadet cheats

: : :
: : : : : : are there cheats for space cadet pinball?
I tried to edit the dat file and had to reinstall space cadet. When i reinstalled it the hi-scores were still there which meant the values must be stored somewhere else.....they are in the registry but when you edit them the hi-score table resets. however you can change the names of the people on them. go to "find files or folders" type regedit, open the registry editor (make sure space cadet is closed) go to edit and find, type the name or part of the name of someone on the hi-score list. the editor will then search for it this should take about 10 seconds. when it finds it double click on the icon at the left hand side of it and change the name. beware it does not always work and somtimes clears the hi-score table. i have only played it a few times if i find anything else out ill let you know bye

: Hello.. I have been looking for cheats all over.. I found something, but I would not call. I will post the address for it anyways..


: The person that gave the cheat to ignpc is
: Mike Fitz (

: I hope this helps someone.... If anyone out there knows of any cheats or knows where the "High Score" is stored please email me.. I think it is stored inside the program itself with then I can just forget about editing it, or inside the "pinball.dat" file, with then I need to find a dat file editor.. =( oh well ..

: Please wright me back, I will check back l8rz.. Goodluck to all that are viewing this message looking for cheats.. I hope you have better luck than I am having right now.

: Tilt next time, And remember not to lose your balls

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