Is there anyone out there who runs TS and/or BRUSA under NT _and_ uses a Diamond File GL 1000 Pro or another Permedia2 based video board?Yesterday I replaced a S3 Virge based board by a 1000 Pro and installed Diamond drivers release 1297. After this, TS and BRUSA don't even start, a message box tells me that it's not possible to switch to the video mode used in the intro screens (was it 640x480x32?). I tried another DirectX 3 game at 640x480 (unknown color depth) and that ran flawlessly. I'm running all these games on a DEC Alpha based machine and simply want to know if there are the same problems on Intel hardware with NT and a Fire GL 1000 Pro with Diamond drivers (Release 1297 is the latest version for the Alpha platform). scr