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Posted by Jens Goering on January 19, 1998 at 12:36:02:
In Reply to: Most Important posted by Hawke on January 09, 1998 at 08:29:46:
Subject: Re: Most Important

I don't think that such a rulesheet would be interesting, because there is a whole bunch of these situations and only a part of them happen often to a single player (everybody plays differently). I mean, you would have a huge text with only a bit of useful information. You get used to most of these situations anyway.

Additionally, everybody has different approaches to cope with these situations.

Jens Goering

: Most strategy guides which I saw contains information like
: these: What do you must do to start any frenzy/multiball or
: How to get an extra ball. Except that also some tips like
: catching the ball. I know it's very important ,but except
: these things is one more very important thing: How
: enable time drive safe. It's mean don't risk ,don't lose
: the ball if you can't hit the ramp quite well on Timeshock!
: or what do you must do if the ball back from the upper
: ramp for example. These thing can happen. I had many
: times that situation when the ball back from the upper
: ramp and escaped by right outlane. Is very important to
: find the moment when you must nudge the table but is
: question which one side and which one moment. I still
: talking about Timeshock! ,but alike situation can happen
: in all pinballs. This is second side of success ,because even
: when you can hit everywhere and you lost control on the ball,
: the ball can escape and you will not reach good score. I know
: if you will be play long time Timeshock! for example you can
: foresee what will happen with the ball when the ball will get
: out from the middle scoop or back from the ramp for example.
: If the ball left the bumpers from the right site will go on the
: upper flipper ,but if the ball left from left side will go usually
: on the left flipper. Maybe anyone try write strategy about
: that. Actually I have control on many situation which before
: I couldn't foresee.
: Good luck!

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