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Summary of Pinball Releases under 1997

Summary of all pinball related releases under 1997. The rumors section (as it was at the end of the year) for 1997 is also included, some of the pinballs written about there might have turned up on a later date so don't take for granted that what is written there is still correct.

  • 3DUP3: The Lost Continent
  • Balls of Steel
  • Electronic Pinball
  • Pro Pinball: Timeshock!
  • Pinball Warrior
  • Cyberball
  • Pinball Deluxe
  • Slamtilt
  • Doka Pinball
  • CyberPinball
  • Tsumera Pinball

    Rumored Pinballs

  • 2UP-Tilt!
    It seems like Interplay have taken the rights from SCI for this pinball, and that it is now being transformed into a 3 table Star Trek product... (the upcomming Star Trek Pinball). There was a demo available for 2UP-Tilt!.

  • Starball 2
    Supposed to be on the way according to an rgp post, but it is very likely this is wrong. When asking Gametek (the publishers of the original Starball) to confirm whetever a pinball is on the way or not I got these answers:
    We do not currently have Starball in any further development that I am aware of, I will ask the UK office though they may have something working that I am unware of.
    We are not working on a 'Starball 2' but that is not to say no one else is as the rights to a sequal are held by the original developer.

  • Angel Egg Pinball
    According to an rgp post it was released only in Japan, that is all I know about it.

  • Monkey Pinball
    Well, this one has been rumored to exist for a while. It might exist and it might not...