Ooooooh - Ahhh!
A hand pulls the pinball release lever back, and away it goes!
The ball rolls out and bounces off four thingys that light up before
landing in the middle of a larger thingy, its lights flash
As a clock-like diagram with a pointer swings and lights up each number, we
As the ball now rolls up and down on a roller-coaster like slide and lands
into another thingy, this one looking like a water-fountain, and it lights
up, we hear...
As a kaleidoscope of colours spins, the numbers appear one by one
The ball drops onto a twisted slide, slides downwards then bumps off three
more thingys that light up, the last one bouncing it into a hole where a
number appears above it
As a xylophone is played haphazardly, the following images appear:
The ball falls onto a Taj Mahal-looking structure, rolling under it to
appear again as a snake's tail pushes it out from under a snake charmer
The ball now rolls under a Sphinx-like creature seated on a box, the
creature turns its head to look as the ball appears behind him
The ball rolls into a pyramid, causing the top, an eye (look at your
American dollar bills for an example), to pop-up as a horn sounds and the
number 7 is shown as the voice says "Seven!"
The ball leaves the pyramid from the top, as the eye lifts again, and now
rolls and bumps off two thingys that look like the top of Russian
buildings, where it is kicked by a Russian dancer
We see a Swiss-like mountain climber standing atop a tiny mountain with a
long horn in his mouth, he swings to the right in time to collect the ball
in his horn, we flash to the number 7 again as the voice says "Seven!" then
the climber swings to the left as he blows the ball loose
The ball lands on a bull in a ring, bounces off him and hits a matador
holding out a red cape, causing the matador to swing wildly thus sending
the ball off to...
A windmill with its sails turning, a hole in its base which the ball
attempts to go through but it bounces off one of the sails...
Now it knocks over a flat policeman character and rolls into a sentry box
which makes two guards pop out of their holes on either side of the box
(the guards are dressed like the ones you see in front of Buckingham
Palace). We again see the number 7 as the voice says "Seven!"
Now the ball lands on the same roller-coaster slide we saw in the
beginning, bounces off a couple of thingys that light-up, rolls down a ramp
which leads to a big production number graphic.
As the numbers appear in the middle of this structure, we see
shooting-gallery type ducks drifting by on a lake in the upper right
corner, a sun above them, a city-scape at night with floodlights lighting
the sky in the upper left corner, a night sky with stars and a planet
(looks like Saturn with a ring) in the lower-right corner and a daytime sky
with clouds in the lower left corner. A zeppelin can be seen crossing from
the daytime scene to the nighttime scene in the lower part.