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Half-Life Research & Development

07-02-2002 Valique

Polecamy ╢wietnie zrobion▒ stronΩ domow▒ nowopowstaj▒cego moda "Half-Life: Research & Development". Chcia│bym przy tym zaznaczyµ, i┐ przy tworzeniu dodatku uczestniczy Polak o nicku _wEaSeL_ (mieszkaj▒cy jednak poza Polsk▒), kt≤ry jest na stanowisku mapera i v-ce lidera projektu.

Kliknij "wiΩcej", aby przeczytaµ kr≤tki cytat ze strony traktuj▒cy o fabule moda.

Half-life R&D is a singleplayer modification set around the half-life storyline where the player is a scientist in the R&D department of the black mesa facility, this allows for more "tech" weapons to be added. The Mod will include references to the other Half-life games, appearences of characters etc. And will reveal more about the causes of the disaster as you progress through. Specific features or story information is not available here, you must download the mod to find out.


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