Nowa wersja programu Multi Bots Launcher jest ju┐ u nas do pobrania.
Strona domowa programu:
Cytat ze strony domowej na temat zmian w nowej wersji programu:
Upgraded for Action Half-Life beta 5 : with the new AHL built-inbots, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you remove all existing AHL bots within MBL, then recreate new ones.
Tested with Judgement 1.2
Upgraded for Akimbot 2.3
Enabled support for Akimbot on DMC, Holy Wars and TFC
Enabled support for Realbot AI beta 2 on Counter-Strike
Enabled support for Parabot on Opposing Force Deathmatch
Tested with RockCrowbot 1.36
Tested with Boc-Bot 1.4
Tested with Parabot 0.8