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Half-Life 2 ?!?

24-08-2001 Szyman
Na Planet Half-Life ukaza│a siΩ wiadomo╢µ pochodz▒ca z serwis≤w FGN oraz GameStar, a m≤wi▒ca o tym, ┐e Half-Life 2 ma byµ uko±czony za 6 miesiΩcy, a jego zapowied╝ ma siΩ odbyµ na targach ECTS.

Nie wiadomo, czy jest to prawda, czy jedynie plotki, gdy┐ ani Valve ani Sierra Studios nie wypowiedzia│y siΩ w tej sprawie.

Poni┐ej znajduje siΩ kopia artyku│u z serwisu FGN:

Half Life 2 Almost Done?

PC: Reports in the U.K. trade press have suggested that the long-awaited sequel to Half-Life is just six months away from completion.

Industry wide speculation has been suggesting that what could be the most anticipated sequel ever will be announced at next week's Euro trade event, ECTS. Reports have also arisen lately suggesting that the title will be released on Xbox.

Sierra, or indeed Valve Software, have yet to confirm any of this yet, but come to think about it, they've yet to say anything at all about the follow-up to what's widely considered the best FPS ever made.

Let just hope that the sequel is nearly done, because we can't take many more weak Blue Shift type products and neither should you! We need a new Half-Life experience – and we need it now.


Esk'ael (   2001-08-26 12:28:16
Je┐eli to prawda, to jestem ciekaw jakie innowacje w stosunku do pierwszej czΩ╢ci wprowadz▒ autorzy (czeka ich naprawdΩ trudne zadanie) !!!
theBill 2001-09-03 19:06:31
Innowacje? Ta gra ma skopaµ wszystkim ty│ki!!! Tak jak jej [niemal] perfekcyjny orygina│. W innym wypadku niech sobie daruj▒! BΩdzie pewnie hula│a na mocno podrasowanym silniku Quake3, co oznacza, ┐e procek 1GHz i GeForce3 pozwoli na zno╢n▒ grΩ ;-)

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