ParΩ dni temu zosta│a wydana nowa wersja moda Holy Wars (nasz opis starszej wersji tutaj).
Mod jest do pobrania z naszego Downloadu.
Strona domowa moda:
Kliknij "wiΩcej", aby obejrzeµ listΩ zmian w nowej wersji.
Lista zmian (cytat ze strony domowej moda):
* gameplay: new deathmatch mode
* gameplay: new instagib mode
* gameplay: halo mode removed (Temporarily? It needs tweaking)
* gameplay: faster players
* weapons: more powerful jackhammer
* weapons: faster, more powerful triple shotgun
* weapons: more powerful rockets
* weapons: more chaingun ammo
* weapons: bigger explosions
* weapons: decent railgun effect
* maps: new hw_abraham from Scary_one
* maps: new hw_demise from Scary_one
* maps: new hw_fate from Scary_one
* maps: new hw_ascension (beta) from Apocalypso
* maps: new hw_noir from TTJ
* maps: new hw_nair from TTJ
* maps: new hw_faith (beta) from Cadaver
* playermodels: new Barney model
* playermodels: new Helmet model
* playermodels: no more HL models
* playermodels: fixed skin switching problem in Akedo and Gordon
* playermodels: defaults to Gordon for disconnected player bodies
* sounds: new chaingun sound
* sounds: new triple shotgun sound
* sounds: new rocket launcher sound
* sounds: menu sounds
* sounds: fixed jump-pad sounds
* hud: new graphics
* hud: faster redrawing
* misc: new voting system
* misc: shorter respawn times for some items
* misc: armor is easier to pick up
* misc: separate config files for different game modes
* misc: fixed two-levels zoomed LOD
* misc: modified key configuration menu and defaults
* misc: better installer
* misc: removed some old console variables
* misc: "default_fov" removed, use "fov" instead
* misc: more cool stuff