Niedawno ukaza│a siΩ nowa wersja WorldCrafta nosz▒ca numer 3.4, jednak z nazw▒ zmienion▒ na Hammer. Prawdopodobnie zmieniaj▒c nazwΩ tw≤rcom chodzi│o o zerwanie powi▒za± z quake'ow▒ koncepcj▒ WC i pokazanie niezale┐no╢ci bran┐y HL od innych.
Nowy edytor jednak poza ma│ymi zmianami zachowuje siΩ i dzia│a praktycznie tak, jak stary WorldCraft, wiΩc bez obawy mo┐na nim kontynuowaµ tworzenie rozpoczΩtych wcze╢niej map. Obs│uguje on r≤wnie┐ stare worldcraftowe pliki konfiguracyjne.
Dla obejrzenia dok│adnej listy zmian kliknij "wiΩcej".
Edytor mo┐na pobraµ od nas, st▒d lub ze strony Valve ERC.
Cytat ze strony Valve ERC na temat zmian Hammera 3.4 w stosunku do WorldCrafta 3.3:
- Splitter view layout is now preserved from session to session.
- Dialog bars now pop to the top when the mouse cursor floats over them.
- No longer renders the 3D views when the editor is not the active application. (This will fix most people's problems with running Hammer and Half-Life at the same time causing the editor to freeze)
- Added Copy to Clipboard button to the process window.
- Sped up time to bring up the Face Properties dialog when many brushes are selected.
- Sped up 2D view scrolling.
- Added timed selection of objects by depth in the 3D view when the left mouse button is held down.
- Fixed a random spinlock when rendering sprites.
- Fixed texture rendering problems with sprites, etc.
- Fixed freeze when starting map with sprites visible.
- Fixed a crash in the path tool.
- Fixed problem with texture shifts being reset when importing old MAP files.
- Fixed black brushes caused by clipping.
- Fixed a lockup when scaling certain brushes.
- Fixed infinite lines in 3D view in vertex mode.
- Fixed clipping causing duplicate solids.
- Fixed decal repositioning.
- Fixed camera angle view bug.
- Fixed problem with running compile tools from paths with spaces.