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RAID Bot - prze│om w ╢wiecie bot≤w?

07-04-2002 Valique

Niejaki Alexander Verburgt ma zamiar stworzyµ prze│omowego bota dla CS-a, kt≤ry nie bΩdzie ju┐ potrzebowa│ waypoint≤w, bΩdzie na╢ladowa│ wszystkie charakterystyczne cechy prawdziwych graczy, a nazywaµ siΩ ma RAID Bot.

Cytat ze strony domowej RAID Bota:
"The RAID-bot is a halflife : counter strike bot, which tries to emulate all human behaviour and personalities as seen on the net. It tries to create opponents with all their own skill / personalities / type of play. It will let players come in and go out of the game as often as it will happen on real server - let"s players return and will be more crowded at evenings then in the morning. Off course not only the good players will be simulated, but also the bad, the strange and the annoying.

RAID-bot will be different then a lot of other bots because of it"s ability to process a map (.bsp) file, giving the bots all the information about the levels for navigation and player-prediction purposes they need. This results in a bot, which is able to play even unknown maps as if it was an expert player, who played the level over and over again."

Strona domowa RAID Bota.
¼r≤d│o: Bot Planet.


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