Jak podaje ostatni news na stronie domowej MBL (programu pozwalaj▒cego uruchamiaµ po kilka bot≤w do jednego moda), prace nad nim zostaj▒ zawieszone! Autor t│umaczy swoj▒ decyzjΩ konieczno╢ci▒ "wysprz▒tania" swojego ┐ycia ze wszystkich niepotrzebnych rzeczy, a projekt MBL jest, niestety, jedn▒ z nich.
Kliknij "wiΩcej", aby przeczytaµ wypowied╝ autora (cytat ze strony domowej) oraz przejrzeµ listΩ obs│ugiwanych przez MBL mod≤w i bot≤w w wersji ostatecznej 16.0 (mo┐esz j▒ pobraµ od nas, st▒d lub patcha dla wersji 14.xx -> 16.0).
OK, this is it.
The time has come for me to get rid of all the unimportant things in my life, and MBL is one of them.
Clearly, that means no more updates, no more bot upgrades, no more new mods.
The current release of MBL is still available to download, but it will become obsolete sooner or later.
I've closed the poll page and the mailing list, as they are useless now. The guestbook will stay up (for memories), but no more new entries will be allowed. I keep the forums opened though, and I'll try to take a look from time to time, and to give some basic support if I can.
How long will it last ? one month ? one year ? forever ? I really don't know at this very moment. Time will tell, but times are too dark for hope right now.
Anyway, it was really fun and enjoyable to take part into this so active and imaginative Half-Life scene, and to share my work with all of you.
I maybe back some day, who knows. Until then, take care.
"Moments lost though time remains
I am still proud of what we were
No pain remains, no feeling
Eternety awaits..."
- VNV Nation -
MBL obs│uguje w swej w ostatecznej wersji:
- Action Half-Life beta 5
- AHL built-in bots
- Akimbot 2.3
- FlamerBot 1.3
- Battle of the Millenium 3.0
- Buzzy Bots 1.4
- BB built-in bots
- Akimbot 2.3
- Counter-Strike 1.3 (classic and retail) :
- BoC-Bot 1.4
- BottBot 2.5c
- BSD Bot alpha 2
- FreedomBot beta 4.0
- JoeBot 1.5
- NNBot 1.2
- PlBot 0.985
- P.O.D. Bot 2.5
- RealBot AI beta 2
- Swat Bot 3.0 Final
- TeamBot Beta 1.2
- DeathMatch Classic 1.0 :
- Akimbot 2.3
- HPB_Bot 2.0
- Parabot 0.5
- RockCrowBot 1.37b
- Earth's Special Forces 2.0 :
- Front Line Force 1.3 :
- BoC-Bot 1.4
- HPB_Bot 2.0
- OddBot 1.8.1
- TeamBot Beta 1.2
- Half-Life Deathmatch :
- Akimbot 2.3
- HPB_Bot 2.0
- Jumbot 2.4
- Parabot 0.8
- Phineas 0.22
- Rho-bot 2.0 beta 2
- RockCrowBot 1.37b
- TeamBot Beta 1.2
- Holy Wars beta 2 :
- Akimbot 2.3
- HPB_Bot 2.0
- Parabot 0.8
- Opposing Force :
- Akimbot 2.3
- HPB_Bot 2.0
- Parabot 0.8
- TeamBot Beta 1.2
- Team Fortress Classic :
- ABot beta 8
- Akimbot 2.3
- FoXBot 0.69
- HPB_Bot 2.0
- OddBot 1.8.1
- TeamBot Beta 1.2