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Nowe efekty modeli w Judgement

19-04-2002 Valique

Jak podaje ostatni news na stronie moda Judgement, do moda zostan▒ wprowadzone nowe efekty graficzne dla modeli, kt≤re prawdopodobnie nie zosta│y jeszcze nigdy u┐yte w ┐adnym innym dodatku do Half-Life'a. Teraz mo┐liwe bΩdzie stworzenie ╢wiec▒cej siΩ diody LED na broni, przezroczystego wizjera na he│mie czy ┐arz▒cych siΩ oczu.

Cytat ze strony domowej:

I'm pretty sure this is a first in mods, but if not, it's still a damn nice feature if you ask me....
We now have special model features, such as working LEDs, on weapons and even players.
This means that just by looking at your Lawgiver you can see what mode it's in, even in the dark!
We intend to use this to bring more information into the weapon models themselves, such as a heat gauge on the Stub gun and a charge meter on the Disintegrator.
We can also do transparent visors on helmets, glowing eyes on a particularly nasty perp, in fact we could do pretty much what we like with rendering effects now :)
Just so happy to get it working that I thought I'd let the playing public know :)
I'd show you some screenshots but nothing really does it justice seeing it in a non interactive way.


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