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Firearms ma ju┐ 2 lata!

30-04-2002 Szyman

Jak podaje serwis Planet Half-Life, mod Fire Arms obchodzi│ wczoraj swoje drugie urodziny - dok│adnie 2 lata temu ukaza│a siΩ wersja RC 1.0 tego moda.

W oczekiwaniu na wersjΩ 2.6, zesp≤│ FA zamie╢ci│ na swojej stronie manual, kt≤ry zawiera spis zmian w nadchodz▒cej wersji. Oto niekt≤re z nich:

  • 8-10 nowych wysokiej jako╢ci map z interesuj▒cymi zadaniami
  • 6 zaktualizowanych map z nowymi teksturami i d╝wiΩkami
  • poprawki broni
  • nowy 'particle system' wprowadzaj▒cy r≤┐ne efekty ╢rodowiskowe
  • system przeciwdzia│ania bunny-hopping'owi
  • zoptymalizowany kod sieciowy
  • poprawki b│Ωd≤w z wersji 2.5

Pe│na lista zmian w jΩzyku angielskim:

  • 8-10 new high-quality maps (all tested extensively for balancing) with new and interesting objectives.
  • 6 updated maps with new areas and all new textures and sounds.
  • many, many, many FA 2.5 bug fixes
  • balanced weapons.
  • visible armour (when you select armour addons, it shows on your model)
  • ability to shoot helmets off other team
  • new particle system with debris specific to texture types (ie: shooting dirt will give off dirt particles and leave a dirt type of bullet hole, water will give ripple effects) and 3D explosions (with the option of turning them off, half on or fully on for different levels of systems).
  • new stamina system (you only lose stamina when you jump or sprint - having no stamina prevents you from jumping/sprinting).
  • anti-bunny-hopping measures (jumping more than twice successfully will reduce stamina ALOT).
  • new sprint function (hold button for a quick burst of speed, no shooting while sprinting)
  • new recoil system (each weapon has a set recoil depending on what stance you are in - standing/running/jumping/crouching/prone).
  • anti-recoil cheat protection.
  • new accuracy system (you accuracy is worse depending on these stances: standing/walking/running/prone-still/prone-moving/crouched-still/crouched-moving/jumping/swimming).
  • 2 new player models with new skins, sub skins for leaders and medics.
  • the ability to change your player models facial skin (white / oritental / black / hispanic / camoflauge).
  • new player animations that are specifc to your gun and your stance. Adds alot of demension to the game.
  • new weapon models for all 32 weapons.
  • new weapons: cuncussion grenade (blinds victims and gives off a hissing noise), new pkm heavy machine gun, new ssg3000 sniper riffle and new uzi.
  • new scope models for zooming in.
  • new gun-specific crosshairs.
  • new model for mortar bombs, explosions and sounds (you see it coming now.)
  • bullet casings eject from certain guns now (you can turn this off, half-on or fully on for different levels of systems).
  • all new sounds for all weapon firing, reloading, etc.
  • all new radio voices
  • voice comm. technology incorporated.
  • spectator mode incorporated
  • HL logging incorporated
  • new menu graphics, sounds and .avi
  • new hud graphics, with the ability to change the colour of you hud sprites (7 different colours)
  • added menu for llama voting (to vote llamas out of the game).
  • new merge-clips feature (merge two half-empty clips into a full clip).
  • new skill specific features for certain weapons (stealth gives some weapons the option of a silencer which can be added or removed, and marksmanship gives some weapons a scope).
  • optimized net code.
  • Ifeel mouse support (vibrating mouse - works when being shot, reloading, shooting, falling, etc).


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