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Zmiany w teamie Existence

02-05-2002 Valique

Z zespo│u tworz▒cego mod Existence (wzorowany na kultowym The Matrix) odchodzi lider - za│o┐yciel moda i g│≤wny artysta - AustiN. Odej╢cie t│umaczy przyt│aczaj▒c▒ ilo╢ci▒ pracy, zdobytej, de facto, dziΩki bran┐y hl-owych mod≤w, w Digital Extremes (DE uczestniczy│o przy tworzeniu Unreala!).

Kierowanie prac▒ nad modem przejm▒ Biggs i g-1, kt≤rym AustiN bΩdzie pomaga│.

Cytat ze strony domowej moda:
Hey guys, as founder, leader, designer and artist of existence I have to step down at this point in order for the mod to go on. Unfortunatelly I don't have the time anymore to continue to run Existence as work really has me occupied over at Digital Extremes. I really have to thank Half-Life for getting me started in the game industry as I have found myself a very nice spot inside it because of it. Existence will not die because of my departure tho, Biggs and g-1 will take over Existence and I'll give em a hand here and there, this is all in the best interest of the mod, and I'm sure it's something you can all understand. Thanks for being so supportive towards me, the team, and the mod, and I'm sure you will continue to enjoy Existence in it's future releases.
Thanks go out to the various people I got to meet and work with throughout this project, and I'm glad I could help bring such a quality game to the fans out there with such a great team behind me.
Peace, I'll be around.


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