United Admins wypu╢cili wersjΩ 1.71 Clan Moda (wcze╢niej rozwijanego przez Ola) - programu do zarz▒dzania serwerem. Program mo┐na pobraµ ze strony UA dopiero po zarejestrowaniu. Lista zmian w tej wersji dostΩpna jest po klikniΩciu 'wiΩcej'.
- FIXED: CM crashing on win32 servers.
- FIXED: Order of admins in cm_admins (now order doesn't matter).
- ADDED: Added new flag "b" which kicks player with this flag regardless of password or other rights.
- FIXED: Admins from cm_admin get highest level of rights from all entries which match.
- ADDED: Descriptions for admins (cm_admin) and shows them in admin menu:
cm_admin "nick/ip/steamid/wonid" "password" "level+flags" "desc"
- ADDED: Public admin support (cm_admin):
cm_admin "*" "*" "all_get_these_flags"
- ADDED: Descriptions for maps (cm_map):
cm_map <mapname> <flags> <description>
- ADDED: Logging of bans and kicks done from the menu to the HLDS logs.
- CHANGED: All MAX values for maps, admins, aliases, etc changed to 1024.
- FIXED: Admins with the J flag now get the correct menu with the "clanmodmenu" command and not the informational menu.
- FIXED: Highlander functions properly now.
- FIXED: Free and Reserved Slots function properly now.