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SturmBot 1.3 nadchodzi

14-05-2002 Valique

Jak podaje news sprzed dw≤ch dni na, nied│ugo ma siΩ ukazaµ wersja 1.3 SturmBota. Data premiery jest szacowana na 16 lub 17 maja, jednak nie jest pewna.

Z tej okazji na kanale #sturmbot ( bΩdzie urz▒dzone IRC-party, chocia┐ tw≤rcy bota zachΩcaj▒ do sta│ego odwiedzania ich kana│u.

As you all seen dod 2.1 has been released if you haven't noticed this get it at well we're working hard on Sturmbot 1.3 to get it ready for a solid release and the IRC-PARTY (hehe syd :D ) The aim is to release it on the 16th or 17th but we won't promise anything yet but we'll anounce the release date as soon as we think it's needed.

If you haven't noticed we have a IRC-channel: #sturmbot ( so please come there if you want to talk about dod + sturmbot or everything else and hope to see you around ther sometime.

Tego newsa obejrza│o 12 os≤b.

Tomes 2002-05-15 11:46:05
To dobrze bo nbende sobie mogl pograc w doda

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