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Koniec PunkBuster'a dla Half-Life'a

26-09-2001 Szyman
Serwis programu przeciwdzia│aj▒cego oszukiwaniu w rozgrywkach sieciowych, PunkBuster, poda│, ┐e prace nad nowymi wersjami dla Half-Life'a i dodatk≤w ( Counter-Strike) zostaj▒ wstrzymane. Powodem tego jest brak wsp≤│pracy autora Half-Life'a - firmy Valve. Autorzy PB uznali, ┐e niemo┐liwy jest dalszy rozw≤j ich programu bez integracji pewnych mechanizm≤w w samej grze.

Poni┐ej znajduje siΩ cytat z serwisu PunkBuster'a:

On a sad note to honest players of Counter-Strike and Half-Life mods, we have determined that the current version of PunkBuster cannot be appreciably improved without the direct support of VALVe. We have offered to do business with VALVe on multiple occasions in the way of integrating proven Anti-Cheat technology directly into their games. At this time, we are suspending development of the Half-Life version to focus on game platforms where the developer is willing to support the effort. We sincerely believe that we have had a positive impact on the Half-Life community and we truly appreciate the support of our hundreds of thousands of users. However, from the beginning we have said that we did not want to charge users directly for our product and we intend to abide by that decision. The remaining bugs, problems, issues, etc. with the Half-Life version cannot be addressed properly without direct integration with the game, and at this time, there is no hope of that even being a possibility.


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