Wersja TDK2 moda HL Rally, kt≤ra siΩ dzisiaj ukaza│a (chocia┐ mia│o to nast▒piµ wczoraj) jest ju┐ u nas! Zapraszamy do pobrania pliku.
Poni┐ej kilka komentarzy graczy, kt≤rzy brali udzia│ w IRC Party, urz▒dzonym z okazji wydania TDK2:
"it┤s the fuckin best mod!!!! - OverMindX
"im gonna have a hell of alot of fun mapping for this" - Gerbs
"good work hlrally team" - Inbeastic
"The most shocking, amazing, gorund breaking, code cracking mod for the Half-Life engine, and this is onlt the TDK!" - Comprox
"Gonna make map making alot easyer :)" - Hinkey
"THIS mod will be awsome online !!!!!!!!!" - SycomComp