Serwis Planet Fortress opublikowa│ o╢wiadczenie Erika Johnsona (Project Manager, Valve Software), w kt≤rym Valve twierdzi, i┐ bΩdzie wspieraµ zesp≤│ PunkBustera w jego pracy. Jednocze╢nie serwis programu PunkBuster poda│ w newsach, ┐e po og│oszeniu chΩci stworzenia komercyjnej wersji programu, z autorami skontaktowa│o siΩ kilka firm - a w╢r≤d nich Valve.
Poni┐ej znajduje siΩ tekst o╢wiadczenia Valve:
We're coming up on the third year of Half-Life development, and it's been a pretty fun first three years. We don't have any plans to stop supporting our existing customers, mod makers, or server admins. It's pretty obvious that much of Half-Life's success is due to third party development, and it's for that reason that we spend so much time supporting them.
We think it's great the Punkbuster team has championed the effort to combat cheating in Half-Life. Working together with the whole Half-Life community on any kind of cheat prevention software just seems like time well spent. The more people that take up the cause to combat cheating, and the more Valve can do to support those people, the better off all of our customers and server admins are.
With that in mind, rest assured that we've talked to the Punkbuster team and we're going to see if there is a way to move the Half-Life engine toward being more friendly to these kinds of third party anti-cheat applications.