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Patche w ╢rode - zgodnie z planem

10-06-2002 Szyman

Valve Software oficjalnie potwierdzi│o, ┐e nowy patch do HLa jak i Counter-Strike 1.5 pojawi▒ siΩ w t▒ ╢rodΩ. Nie pozostaje nic innego jak cierpliwie czekaµ.

Half-Life and C.S. 1.5 This Week

New client and server updates for Half-Life and Counter-Strike (Half-Life and C.S. 1.5) will be released this week. Both updates include the Ricochet Mod, phase two of the recently introduced anti-cheat technology, a new Counter-Strike map (de_piranesi), as well as various fixes and tweaks. Server files will be released to the public Tuesday evening. Client files will be released for download Wednesday morning at 11:00 a.m. PST, at which point Steam clients will be updated automatically. Those interested in mirroring any of the files, please contact:

Tego newsa obejrza│o 38 os≤b.

PIT (   2002-06-12 12:30:10
kiedy bede mogl sciagnac ten path do hl z twojej www?
Valique (   2002-06-12 18:39:55
W zasadzie, to patchy nie powinno byµ do godz 20, ale jeden serwis siΩ wy│ama│ (nie bΩdΩ wytyka│ palcami) i my te┐ je wcze╢niej bΩdziemy musieli udostΩpniµ.
Szyman (   2002-06-12 23:35:22
Ja te┐ nie bΩdΩ wytyka│, ale to by│

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