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HL Rally na Mod Expo

03-07-2002 Valique

Na tegorocznym CPL ma odbyµ siΩ impreza po╢wiΩcona modom do r≤┐nych gier, w tym Half-Life'a (kt≤ry de facto s│ynie z najwiΩkszej ilo╢ci przygotowanych lub przygotowywanych do niego mod≤w). Tw≤rcy HL Rally licz▒ na udzia│ w Mod Expo, o czym pisz▒ na swojej stronie.

Kliknij "wiΩcej", aby przeczytaµ o szczeg≤│ach Mod Expo.

Fourth Annual Half-Life MOD Expo To Be Held At Summer CPL

Valve, NVIDIA and The CPL Present Showcase for Aspiring Game Designers

Valve, in partnership with NVIDIA and The CPL, are proud to present The Fourth Annual MOD Expo, a showcase for aspiring game designers building new entertainment experiences on top of Valve's award-winning Half-Life engine.

Those interested in showing their MOD at this year's Expo should send mail to with information on their project. To be selected for the Expo each MOD must be in a working state. While they do notneed to be final, each MOD should be far enough along that levels, characters, and/or weapons can be demonstrated within the engine.

The MODs selected for the Expo will be announced in early July. The Expo itself will take place Monday, July 22 from 8 PM to 10 PM CDT in Dallas, Texas, during the CPL's Pentium 4 Summer Championship 2002 Event.

About the MOD Expo The Half-Life MOD Expo began in 1999, as part of Valve's ongoing support for the MOD community. The first event featured Gunman and Counter Strike, which have gone on to become full retail products developed in cooperation with Valve. In addition, many other MODs shown in subsequent years have been included in Half-Life collection packs (such as Firearms and Wanted!).

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