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Monkey Strike na CPL Mod Expo

13-07-2002 Valique

Jak podaje dzisiejszy news na stronie moda Monkey Strike, dodatek ten we╝mie udzia│ w tegorocznym, letnim Mod Expo, kt≤re odbΩdzie siΩ w czasie CPL, 22 lipca i jest organizowane przez Valve Software.

"Today I received the official confirmation, that Monkeystrike was selected for Valve's Fourth Annual Mod Expo. It will be held in Dallas, Texas during the Summer CPL. I will fly to Dallas to represent the MOD and the team. If you want to play our latest version of Monkeystrike and check out never seen before footage, then join me and the other MODs on Monday July, 22nd!"

Tego newsa obejrza│o 11 os≤b.

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