Swarm - mod, w kt≤rym mo┐emy wcieliµ siΩ w jednego z naszych "przyjaci≤│" z Xenu (GargantuΩ, Alien Slave'a, Air Controllera...) - doczeka│ siΩ kolejnej wersji. Autorzy informuj▒, ┐e wraz z kolejnymi wersjami dodatku staje siΩ on coraz bardziej stabilny. Klikaj▒c 'wiΩcej' mo┐na obejrzeµ pe│n▒ listΩ zmian. Je┐eli chodzi o pliki, to w tej chwili dostΩpna jest jedynie wersja, kt≤r▒ trzeba zaktualizowaµ patchem do - Public
Crash Bug a.. FIXED Would crash when trying to calculate kill points if attacking player left then rejoined quickly. Due to Team and/or class not being set up. In CBasePlayer::TakeDamage and CHalfLifeMultiplay::PlayerKilled.
Crystal a.. Bugzilla Bug #40 FIXED Would sound crystal returned repeatedly when player stood on own crystal.
Maps a.. Bugzilla Bug #39 FIXED Human crystal on sw_shriek and sw_delusion would not return after capture.
Controller a.. Bugzilla Bug #38 FIXED Headball would hang around after getting stuck in wall.
Bots a.. FIXED Bots would not rejoin correctly after changing bot_number. b.. FIXED Bots would get sent weapon animation a lot, about 80% of messages in a game with a lot of bots, would me weapon animation messages. c.. FIXED Inital map would load twice on first server start.
Headcrab/Zombie a.. Bugzilla Bug #33FIXED Could not transform to Zombie. b.. Made it so that player has normal death when killed as a Zombie, however player may transform back to HC at anytime and have full health, special 1 key is used to leave victims body.
Blood a.. Decreased blood deacals to decrease lag, we had increased it long ago.
Melee Attacks Crashing Server a.. FIXED Incorrect sound volumes where causing crash. Put in check to ensure volume in valid range.
Grenades a.. Added bounce sound to Proximity Grenade. b.. Added message, says "You have no more ! For when you have run out of a grenade and try and use shortcut keys. - Internal
Score Board a.. FIXED Scorboard was not displaying players.
Crash Bugs a.. FIXED Would crash when attempting to capture a crystal, or any other CTO mission.
Maps a.. sw_trans: added crystals, fixed some texture alighnment, fixed lights, added water to regen pool. b.. sw_shreik: Converted to CTC, fixed lights, blocked view between forts to improve lag.
Bots a.. FIXED Bots where not shooting very often. Added swarm custom weapons to bot firing schedule.
Controller a.. FIXED Orbs do not start from hands, start infront of player. b.. FIXED Secondary fire should start from head and track enemy.
Lag a.. FIXED Armour message was being sent every frame because of int to float comparison. Changed it to int to int comparison. b.. FIXED Health message was being sent every frame because of int to float comparison. Changed it to int to int comparison.