Przez ostatni miesi▒c strona moda Role Play Half-Life nie by│a aktualizowana. Nie oznacza to jednak zawieszenia prac nad modem. Zast≤j jest wiΩc tylko pozorny.
Jak podaje wczorajszy news, tw≤rcy zajΩli siΩ w tej chwili g│≤wnie programowaniem, dlatego te┐ nie uraczaj▒ nas co raz nowymi "cukierkami" w postaci screen≤w modeli czy map, kt≤re s▒, de facto, ju┐ prawie na uko±czeniu! Dw≤ch lider≤w teamu mia│o r≤wnie┐ do za│atwienia pewne sprawy osobiste, ale wkr≤tce maj▒ urzec fan≤w konkursem na najlepsz▒ mapΩ do RPHL (szczeg≤│y nied│ugo).
Cytat ze strony domowej moda RPHL:
Hey everyone! Just a small update so everyone knows the current situation of RPHL. RPHL is NOT dead OR dying, despite what you may have heard!
The lack of updates recently is mainly due to the fact that the majority of work taking place is coding. Most of the maps are nearly complete, and a lot of models are done. We are simply working on getting a new build of RPHL completed so we can show off more cool stuff and get you all REALLY excited, as opposed to the usual "Wow a new pic of the some map!".
Slaught and myself have both been absent recently due to "real life" concerns and technical issues. Slaught has been spending the last two weeks with his girlfriend Nessie before she moves about 200 miles North. As for myself, I've been away for a few reasons, mainly that I havent been able to access the Internet recently due to Modem becoming possessed. I've also been trying to get some direction in my life and as a result will be once again going to University to study Film. So I hope that clears up a few questions as to our whereabouts and the state of the mod! We're not completely in the clear yet but its getting there! I wont be around properly for another week or so as my modem is still being temperamental, but by Friday I will have ADSL installed and will be around a lot more.
In the next few weeks we should be getting things going again. First up will be a mapping competition for the eighth RPHL map. More details about this next week. I might also russle up a few new pictures aswell to keep you all going until we do a proper update.
So there we go! Once again sorry about the lack of updates, but really, I dont think people would find pictures of lines of code very interesting! So just hold your breath a little longer and all will be revealed...
-- Posted by Wills.
Tuesday September 10, at 1:01AM GMT