Autorzy moda Firearms zapowiadaj▒, ┐e wersja 2.65 jest ju┐ na uko±czeniu. Wersja Windows jest w zasadzie ju┐ sko±czona, jednak zesp≤│ bΩdzie organizowa│ rozgrywki testowe, by wy│apaµ wszelkie ewentualne bugi. NastΩpnie zostanie przygotowana wersja Linux i odpowiednie wersje instalacyjne. Lista zmian (cytat z jest dostΩpna po klikniΩciu 'wiΩcej'.
AK-47 accuracy decreased.
AK-47 accuracy improvement time fixed.
AK-47 damage decreased.
AK-47 recoil increased.
AK-47 value increased by one credit.
Benelli M3 accuracy increased.
Claymore mine damage changed to be more realistic. The majority of the damage is now done in front of the mine.
Claymore mines are no longer usable in mid-air.
FA-MAS value increased by one credit.
G3A3 recoil increased.
Grenade launcher range increased.
Grenade launcher range has a slight randomness now.
Grenade launcher projectiles now deactivate after coming into contact with a sky brush.
Grenade launcher projectiles now use a more network efficient particle effect for their smoke trails.
M16 fire mode no longer resets after holstering.
M16 accuracy problems fixed.
M60 recoil increased.
M82 accuracy decreased.
M82 firing disabled while the player is moving or in the air.
M82 rate of fire decreased.
M82 recoil increased.
M82 value increased by one credit.
MP5 accuracy problems fixed.
Steilhandgrenate fuses no longer pause while sprinting.
Sterling accuracy decreased.
Sterling no longer unnecessarily reloads.
9mm penetration values decreased.
Added a new entity - trigger_zone - Used for mappers placing areas where mortars, claymores, and medevacs can be offlimits.
Added a new entity - env_spriteshooter - Similar to the env_shooter entity.
Added a new keyvalue to the fa_team_item entity, to let mappers specify weapon restrictions applied to the player carrying the object.
Added a debug command for use in situations where you are stuck after getting up from prone. Bind to a key via the controls menu.
Added a smooth transition for going to and getting up from prone.
Added alternative (shorter) reload animations to the M16 for use with the Nomenclature skill (new model included).
Added command menu functionality. Bind to a key via the controls menu.
Added double magazines to the AK-47 for use with the Nomenclature skill (new model included).
Added dynamic lighting effects to all explosions.
Added dynamic lighting to muzzleflash effects. This does not effect suppressed weapons.
Added medevac helicopter effects.
Added particle based spark effects for metal and concrete bullet impacts.
Added reinforcement information to the scoreboard.
Added snow footstep sounds.
Bullet impacts no longer effect a player's movement. Removed for many reasons.
Changed the fa_sd_object entity to SOLID_BSP type, rather than SOLID_BBOX type, for better clipping detection.
Changed M60/PKM/Claymore tracers to the client side.
Disabled firing while crawling in prone.
Disabled the use of the knife while prone. The only possible fix for the 'flying knife' bug.
Enhanced the end of game screen with 'Best Player' (from both teams), 'Most Kills' and 'Most Deaths' information.
Fixed all known problems with changing teams.
Fixed all known prone bbox, hull, and hitbox issues.
Fixed bbox abnormalities with dead and wounded players.
Fixed crouch bbox and hitbox abnormalities.
Fixed Fatigue sound playing underwater.
Fixed helmet removal effects for players who have no helmet.
Fixed prone players blocking other player's paths.
Fixed prone players not triggering certain entities.
Fixed prone players staying prone while swimming.
Fixed Search and Destroy object explosions occurring in the wrong place.
Fixed the idle animations on the ammobox.
Fixed use key movement exploit.
Fixed various player model animation abnormalities.
Fixed view height of prone, crouched and standing players to avoid the 'helmet cam' exploit.
Reduced the amount of 'bad' network traffic by 90% after a map change and when players start to join.
Removed all friendly fire damage from ammobox explosions, regardless of server settings.